Friday, July 30 @ 11:21 PM
NDP tml. Sunday. To go Or Not to go... Hmmm.. seriously dunnoe how to go. SsinyiI Thursday, July 29 @ 11:11 PM
生命中的矛盾,是让你从新认识自己的机会 TIRED. Science. The day which I use most of my BRAIN JUICES !!! Meet Jocelyn after school to KILL stress. Ate Mac Ice Cream. TEEHEE. Then meet Kaifeng, Hafiz and Chisun. Didn't intend to meet them But Kf call so just ask them to tag along. In the end, all go Kf house there eat. Then Cs, Kf, Jocelyn and me go Cs house. As usual. Watch show together. Jocelyn left first. Then home sweet home early. 10plus jiu reach home le. Surprise Again. Grandma is BACK TO MY HOUSE. TEEHEE. I am darm tired today. But I CANT SLEEP my own bed. I think I better finish up at 11. And got on bed early. :) If not I worry. she would just talk to me again and I overslept again. I MUST go for programming. Now then I find out is 11.10 when I am writing this post. ARH. =_= YOG Holiday. I am waiting for you to come. So I can finally get over with my busy SCHOOL Life. SsinyiI Wednesday, July 28 @ 10:11 PM
Super Tired today. Done up my work. Fall asleep right away. Wake up only at 10plus. TEEHEE. So Nice to have a LONG Nap !! :)I LOVE PORKY. SsinyiI Tuesday, July 27 @ 10:05 PM
Didn't go school today. OMG. Due to over-listening-of-presentation-by-grandma. :) Seriously TIRED. Even more tiring than GOING to school. TEEHEE. Spend the whole day downloading songs. But still didn't manage to download finish as I am really tired. TEEHEE.Listening to their song the whole day. :) ![]() 方大同 and 张信哲 Highly recommend their song. IF You Know Music, YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO THEIR SONG :) SsinyiI Monday, July 26 @ 9:58 PM
Problem Solving today. LAST Lesson today beside next week home-learning. HEHE.Grandma is here again. I will lost my sleep. She say she would be staying till SUN !! Like totally OMG. No bed for ONE WEEK !!!! I would not DEL my PICTURES, MUSIC & DOCUMENT AGAIN ! SsinyiI Sunday, July 25 @ 11:22 PM
BACK FROM MALAYSIA. Tired man. I feel like I have been sleeping for three day. Tired Wake up eat then sleep. At night play game then SLEEP. Take Bus, Sleep. Take Car sleep. ARH. Gossipe start within the cousins. LOL. I wanna complain something. TO THE Old women that cut my quene !!! We are quening for the long quene and u this lady come and cut my quene. So OLD le still dun understand the basic thing is NOT TO CUT PEOPLE QUENE. Is not like u are young and inmature, but YOU SHOULD understand this COMMON SENSE that even LITTLE CHILDREN understand. FOR GOODNESS SAKE !!! You know I am saying about you. And YOU dun even dare to turn back and look at ME. THEN you still went away to look at other BUS then cut the women in front YOU again. FOR THE DARN SECOND TIME !!! You THINK YOU very GOOD is it !? OMG LAH. PEOPLE like You should just cut the quene of people dieing. So many people are dieing WHY dun u just cut their quene of life and die first !!! GO AND DIE ! I Just Love My Journey To Malaysia. SsinyiI Friday, July 23 @ 3:38 PM
Going Malaysia again. People who know me well, know that for me going Malaysia is just like going to Jurong. LOL. YEAH. Finally can go back stay. Such a good place for me to relax. LOVE YA. Finally I can just sleep until I happy. Two night. Will be back on sun. Daddy not coming with US. :\SsinyiI Thursday, July 22 @ 10:37 PM
Didn't go to school today. Due to my greediness (Forget about it), I am in the toliet for like TWO DARN HOUR. Think I just have too much this time. Stay at home the whole day watching Movie. Real Boring. Need to pack my bag for my malaysia trip dunnoe-how-many-times. TEEHEE! I just love going back to my grandma's house. Nice People there. Fun People there. Love it man !!Partial-ing tml. Leaving Singapore. Yeah. Back on Sun. SsinyiI Wednesday, July 21 @ 11:45 PM
Math today. Nice Day.Went to find Huimin after school. Know one more friend, Ali. Hello. LOL. Wait for her in her school for her. Then Ali, Huimin, Jocelyn and me have dinner together at Bishan. Then Girl talk on the way home. They come my house for the shoe. Earn Six Bucks. Yeah! SsinyiI Tuesday, July 20 @ 9:44 PM
DARN DARN DARN DARN Unlucky day. First: Wear an spolit shoe out today in rush. Second: Forget to remove dress price tag. Third: Change to short after school but is TOO BIG for me. The short can totally just drop down all the way. HOW DID I BECOME SO UNLUCKY TODAY. I DUN UNDERSTAND. WHY MY FIRST FORMAL IS LIKE THAT. THIS MAKE ME TOTALLY HATE FORMAL TO THE MAX EVEN IF I ALREADY HATE IT SO MUCH. I AM JUST A CAUSAL PERSON. NO HEELS NO DRESS NO FORMAL. SsinyiI Monday, July 19 @ 10:18 PM
Nice Module today. I just like cognitive man! Nice Faci too. This is Just too nice. School end before 3pm today. BUT I cant go home. Because I promise TJM to pei her shop for her formal wear. LOL. So, I need to wait for her. Every time I end early, I cant go home early. Confirm after school got things on.Formal Wear tml. :) SsinyiI Sunday, July 18 @ 10:37 PM
Got my formal wear. Dress. LOL. Gonna wear it only one time. Brought only for 30plus. Dun wanna to spend too much money on this. LOL. Going to pei JM to buy her formal. LOL. Nice day out with Huimin. Now we fall in love with Xiao Bar Wang. :) Nice food and cheap price. :)SsinyiI Thursday, July 15 @ 11:33 PM
Science. I totally dun understand or catch a ball(from ShengRong) of what she is saying. Team 5 totally partial from it. LOL.Came home straight. Tired. No more UT! Shopping . Formal Wear. SsinyiI Wednesday, July 14 @ 11:55 PM
Math Lesson today. Probability. Jacob spam me with Enterprise Faci photo. I seriously thought he send me what scary photo and was like shock. And he continue with his FACI face. LOL. Interesting Lesson Waited to take my ndp tickets. Receive two. Went down to 5th Aunt house to pass it to Yisiong. Let them go. LOL. Take 52 back home. Hafidz came up the bus. Woohoo. Sudden remember what Kf say about cemetery. Got frighten by flower pot in the lift. Haiz.SsinyiI Tuesday, July 13 @ 11:37 PM
我要放弃了。我不会打扰你 。 SsinyiI @ 11:06 PM
Enterprise Today. Jacob and Steven kept making the Faci face. Really darm funny. Faci mention that we need to wear formal wear next tue. OMG. I really dun have good feeling about formal wear. What to do? We still have to wear. Kan Kai!Hope I get 2 NDP tickets :) SsinyiI Monday, July 12 @ 9:49 PM
Give school a miss today. LOL. Slack at home the whole day. Fetch bro back home today. One more month and it will be YOG Holiday. YEAH! Cant wait leh.SsinyiI Sunday, July 11 @ 11:52 PM
Should I or should not? I still wondering whether I should pon school anot. Eniale make me feel like pon-ing. LOL. Anyone that metion PON school just make me feel like doing it! Arh. Hate this. Mum allows. But should I ?? Stay at home. Wake up late is just heaven to me .是因为他们吗? 不要不理我. SsinyiI Saturday, July 10 @ 11:45 PM
NDP again! Woohooo.Went to stay overnight at Chisun house with Kaifeng and CheeKuan. Tired. Slept early yesterday. NDP. First NE show. Really Rock. But I was too tired due to lack of sleep. So, wasn't as high as usual. LOL. SsinyiI Thursday, July 8 @ 11:52 PM
Saw this rainbow. Everyone start taking photo! LOL Mum and Me. In one of the hospital's toliet. Bring Brother to hospital for his follow up. Today alot people never go for class. LOL. ![]() The Yow's Sister. Joce and Me. Meet Ahma and Johanna. Pei them go buy their formal wear. Just like that. LOL. Study Science. But give up halfway. LOL. Studying at 9plus ba. LOL. Sing K with Ck, Kf, Joce and maybe Hm or Wq. SsinyiI Wednesday, July 7 @ 11:55 PM
Math today. I think everyone have problem with their team memebers. LOL.Webcam with CK at night. SsinyiI Tuesday, July 6 @ 10:04 PM
Did this at home. Really like this photo alots. :) I would read this quite often to remind myself. :) Anyway, given by Mr Koh. Miss Him. Miss secondary school. But I love poly life. :) Enterprise. Everyone was like darm disconnected from work. All thank to steven for my team today. We make sure he stay connected. LOL. Sleeping early. Yeah. SsinyiI Monday, July 5 @ 11:31 PM
Reward myself with Large Koi Milk Tea. Yummy forever. Abby came back. LOL. Darn Happy. (: Cognitive UT today. OMG. Wonder if I could maintain my grades. Please man. ![]() 幸福不会自动来在你。你要自己寻找幸福。一个属于你的幸福。 因为人人都应该得到幸福。 SsinyiI Sunday, July 4 @ 11:28 PM
Just some random photo to make sure my blog dun look so down. That my bro when we went to the hospital. He is so Ok now. Being himself able to jump and snatch thing from me. Oh Bro. SsinyiI @ 11:25 PM
Friday.Went to meet Huimin after school. Went to Mos. Girl talk. Huimin is like keep saying "Really?" and nod her head. LOL. What we talk is secret. LOL. Then we decide to went over to Huimin's house to Girl's talk Part Two. We watched some funny video which lead to me laughing till I roll on the floor. When a funny things start, whatever is lame or just not as funny would make the both of us laugh like we just saw the most funny stuff in the world ever. Reached home and slack. Sat: NDP. Woohoo! At first, I thought is NE show but in the end, there is many different type of age group there. So is not NE. LOL. But the first show with spectators. WOOHOO! But the only things that is pity is that it is RAINING. It rain the whole day but luckily not a big one. That should be something to be happy of. Got our costume. Try it on. The pants is seriously too LONG for me. OMG. That pants is longer than my height and I need to wear it as my pants. LOL. That so Kidding. I was seriously wet. LOL. But it is a great day with great firework. Real nice firework. Firework of heart and star shapes is amazing. Real Nice. Sun: Stay at home. Wake up late. Love Saturday's night. WooHoo. Suppose to went downstair for a as-usual-party with Alida. But by the time we went down, it already end. LOL. That mean we are late. That so kidding again. I need to sleep for the sake of me waking up in time. LOL. Good Night :) SsinyiI Thursday, July 1 @ 9:45 PM
Science today. I totally suck at it. :) What to do ? I always say I hate science as it is always unlucky for me to do science in the first place. I have to admit that Science is important in every life. Or you can say that our life is make up of science. But I am just not the type that STUDY about science. What the meaning of me taking up media studies? That because I wants my life to be out of SCIENCE. Why am I looking forward for poly life? That because I do not have to care about the FUCKING ASSHOLE SCIENCE. I never ever hate science more that today !? Wrong timing, Wrong person and Wrong place for me to get into the science world again.I think I am really fed up if not I wont type any FUCKING FUCK WORD. But I have no choice here to express my feeling in this way.. Forgive me for this. Just today. The Next week I will fully accept the truth of me hating science but nothing I could do about it and get used to this FUCKING SCIENCE! :) Reached Bishan Mrt. And receive a call from Mum saying that my DUMB Brother injure himself again. And this time round is serious matter. He fall when doing backward running. Hit his head, Sprain his hand. Double Kill. :) Brought him down to KK hospital. Get his X-ray done up. Luckily, he didn't break his bone which he quite deserve it . But as You Know, I am a Kind-hearted sister. I would not wish to see him hurt. But, I would still take this period of time as a chance to make him all I wants :) I finally can disturb him until he totally getting crazy. :) Wish me Well, People. :) SsinyiI |
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