Thursday, April 29 @ 9:32 PM
Programming today. So difficult today. Just away from lesson while doing mindmap and I got lost for programming. What the ... ...Steven birthday today. Happy Birthday! LOL. Pei Elaine and Marzie to buy cake during break. Went to the NDP Talk. I alway wanna to join NDP again. Cause I know is fun. I really miss the NDP Choir period. Rock man! :) SsinyiI Wednesday, April 28 @ 11:31 PM
Math lesson. I love the relief faci !! He totally rock. What if the real one is not as good as him? OMG. Chiong my Life Transformers 2. Watch it. It just rock man. SsinyiI Tuesday, April 27 @ 11:12 PM
你上次抱你妈妈是几时? 在我的记忆里,我已经好久没有抱过妈妈了。看完后,我给妈妈一个大大的拥抱。但是她觉得很奇怪。哈哈。大家不应该害臊。如果他们会表示自己的爱,向我们所谓“正常”的我们,比他们根不会表示呢? P.S 快点个给你爱的人一个拥抱吧 SsinyiI @ 9:43 PM
爱。 很多人在相爱的,热恋的时候重是可以轻易的把承诺,誓愿说出口。但又有多少人可以遵守这个他们当初轻易说出的承诺。夫妻不是应该可以供福贵和个供患难吗。 也许她的精神不是很好,但是她知道自己爱的,喜欢的,自己不能没有的是自己的老公。即使他知道她已不像从前一样,他对她还是不离不弃,心里爱的还是她。简单的签字,简单的三个字就是属于他们自己的默契。他们就是没了对方就不能活。像他们的爱应该已经不多了吧。 P.S 两个人在一起最重要的不就是对彼此的不离不弃,常相思守吗? SsinyiI @ 9:21 PM
Science again. I really dun understand man. Beside my basic science theory, I really cant understand. Darm worry because of me will cause the team to get lower mark. ARH. Hate it man. So sorry my science team. :( But also very grateful for the understanding of my team. :) SsinyiI Monday, April 26 @ 10:13 PM
Start of school. Enteprise today. Nice team. (: School is alway getting better than better. SsinyiI Saturday, April 24 @ 11:17 PM
Dun ask me who are they. They are my childhood friend. I cant remember their name. I dunnoe where they are. I not even sure whether I can recognise them even they walk pass me. But really thank them to accompany during my childhood. :) SsinyiI @ 9:41 PM
Been a long time since I blog so early. Slack at home today. This is my first official weekend right after a full study week. Work is done up everyday before 12.00am come. So weekend for me, I can totally slack all I wanna. Come across fb's group that is relate to a time which is 11.11. I always believe if u look at the time and it show 11.11. That mean someone is thinking of you. Dun ask me why I believe in that. I dun know why too. Maybe I just looking for someone that can share that 2 min everyday with me. LOL. Be it is family, friends or the right one. Who is the someone that believe the same time as me? (Just talking crap. Skip that part.) Tml going for malaysia!? P.S The time 11.11 is important to me because ... ... SsinyiI Friday, April 23 @ 11:21 PM
One week passed really fast. Weekend again. Time passed fast. At first, I thought I may not be able to fit in the class. But after being together with the class for like one week plus, I was actually very happy with the current. My classmates was nice and funny.
Overall not bad! Nice W34G. I believe with longer time, we will get closer with one another. (: P.S I like my class! W34G! SsinyiI Thursday, April 22 @ 8:42 PM
Programming ! LOL. Not bad. So tired. Sleeping early today. Real tired. OMG. I just fall asleep in front the com when doing my work. ARH~P.S I must force myself to sleep early. SsinyiI Wednesday, April 21 @ 11:38 PM
Math module today! Game time all the way. First time I got time to not pack my food back to class. LOL! Korean Food at Lawn foodcourt. If I didn't spell wrongly.What IG should I join. Maybe not joining any? WTH! I really dunnoe what to join. Like no one can join same with me. Badminton, again!? I would like to try something new. But just dunnoe what! Arh!P.S How can I make u mine? SsinyiI Tuesday, April 20 @ 11:30 PM
Science today. Darm! Then fanci funny! She got thousand and one way to make ppl laugh! LOL! As usual, went to lunch with Tan Jia Mei. Then library finish up our work. Then went to over to Kelly side. Cause we dunnoe how to do science. LOL. Then msn with Lex. Ask him come over and help me do. LOL. But in the end, I understand abit lah. From Kelly's crazy nagging. LOL. Then meet Rachel and company at AMK's new york new york. For her pre-Birthday celebration! Camwhore. LOL. What girls do. Then home sweet home. SsinyiI Monday, April 19 @ 10:34 PM
School-ed. OMG. I almost cant wake up. But Jiamei tell me I'm getting earlier and earlier. But I seriously dun think so. I thought I getting later and later. Module for today. I cant really understand what is it talking about it. I can only understand like 30% of it? Hahas! Tml is the best module of the whole year 1 !!! The most powerful killer for me [SCIENCE]! Red blood cell! Omg. Why would I care about red blood cell man! P.S Life have to go on even though you dun feel like going through it. SsinyiI Sunday, April 18 @ 11:31 PM
16/04 FridayWent to Commendation Day. Congratz to all prize winner exspecially Huimin,Ryan,Neo,Joslyn and Jerrapak! Photo taking as usual. And finally a year that we can all leave first together with the Guest-of-Honor. Went to J8, 3rd floor as usual. But this time round, everyone seme to be in the Camp Mood. Keep having the camp cheer coming out from almost everyone mouth. And as usual, Kaifeng is doing something real stupid again. I think that is broken leg walking around. That real funny. 17/04 Sat Hammy is sick. I dun feel like saying anymore. Went to Chisun house for a stayover. Mahjong-ed. Kaifeng, Pat, Cheekuan, Wanqin, Toh Xinyi, Ryan, JinZhi, Neo, Gay, Calvin, Derrick, Deguang, Marcus and of course our host Chisun. Did I miss out anyone? LOL. When we are boring, we will like go to facebook together. Inside Joke. Slept around quite early,7plus or earlier? Not very sure. Slept for like awhile then the others that went for breakfast was backed singing like crazy. Slept awhile more than we went back home at around 10plus? LOL. Tired. Waited for my lap's to charged before I sleep. But when the battery is charged, my three cousin came.OMG. I have to wait for them to leave before I can sleep. ARH! Ok Fine I need to sleep soon. If not I wouldn't be able to wake up tml for school. P.S Stayover or Garthering like this truly make my life better. SsinyiI Thursday, April 15 @ 10:26 PM
First day of school. Not bad. Nice classmate. But dun understand why are we all trying to figure out how to make the turtle move.Everyone is like bob.forwad(), bob.turnLeft() LOL. Online msn & facebook. Add everyong(Ihope) in msn and facebook. Chiong for hw during break together. Hahas. P.S A new start, a new begining may not be as bad as what I think SsinyiI Tuesday, April 13 @ 11:40 PM
2nd day of Orientation.Morning. Mass Dance and Tug of war in the FIELD! Seriously, is too warm. I even get sunburn. Is so difficult for me to be whiter and now is ruin in just less than 3h. Arh~ Know more about my course. Nice day. Mass dance,I still cant rmb everything. HAHAS! P.S What should I do when I saw my classmate? SsinyiI Monday, April 12 @ 11:05 PM
First day of Orientation.What can I say!? I am tired. The students leader is ok. The students. Neither bad nor good. I need to open up. Hahas. SsinyiI Sunday, April 11 @ 11:21 PM
Went to Marina Barrage with Bro, Huimin, Jocelyn and CheeKuan. Brought a kite. Reached there. Fly the kite high up. I did nothing. WHAHHAS! Bro fly it high! Nice work. But before that, we can see Cheekuan and Bro trying to make the kite fly. It is really funny. Both of them really make eveyone laugh the hell out. Beside us, there a group of people with the kite saying BOOM! We are like BOOM BOOM BOOM. And follow by a big laugh!!!! The BOOM! is like trying to come near our kite. So we are like OMG THE BOOM! IS BOOMING OUR TOAD! Our kite seem to be a toad. Toad can fly higher than shark, bat, goldfish and alot more. Whahaha! Then at a point, our kite got struck with another kite that are trying to fly up. While the bottom is struck, a SMILEY attack us at the top and CUT our kite off. We run everywhere to look for our kite. But we just cant find it. And in the end, we are left with a POWER PUFF GIRL kite that we found. ARH! But we kept saying it as HELLO KITTY ! Slowly, the tails of the kite broken. So everyone decide not to care about the kite btw we are leaving soon. But My bro just dun let off! Keep asking me throw the kite up! So troublesome! Whahahas! Then we leave. Went to Bishan and have dinner. Done for the day! P.S My bro love Ck butt! P.S School starting tml! even though is only a orientation. SsinyiI Friday, April 9 @ 12:55 AM
Stay at home the whole day. Quite Sian. But days like this is ending soon. School is starting next week. What to do? Arh ! Excited yet still hoping for slack days. xP SsinyiI Wednesday, April 7 @ 12:46 AM
06/03/10Meet Jocelyn at J8. 2pm. Went to walk walk. Choose the kite but didn't buy. Then went to tpy. Ate lunch cum breakfast. That Jocelyn really can kills me. We finally got a seat. And know what? We lose it because that Jocelyn follow me walk away. Then in the end, someone get the seat. ARH. Then walk around. Then we went to city hall. And find the place which Johanna said. Most of the shops is closed. Went to Orchard. Jocelyn brought a pant from Cotton On. Then down to Huimin house. Then meet Karen,Zhengyi and Kaifeng for dinner. After dinner, we went to 3rd floor to talk-talk. Went to Prata house with Zhengyi, Jocelyn and Kaifeng. Home sweet Home after that. Sian. Why everyone like so not free? SsinyiI Sunday, April 4 @ 11:50 PM
Went to Bishan CC to sell stuff today. Quite ok. But at certain time when there nobody, I can almost fall asleep. Mum didn't allow me to bring notebook there to watch video just because it rained today. =_= Not bad earning. At least more than other stall. I pick the right place. WHAHAHAHAS. SsinyiI Friday, April 2 @ 10:44 PM
Recently ... ....31/03/10 Wednesday. Amanda came over my house on 10am. Then watch video. Went to eat and sing K. Hahas. Then went to Ntuc. And again Amanda did something real stupid !! We was looking on some stuff. Then I walk away. She didn't know that I walked away. So, she try to tell a joke by taking a sponge and turn around saying " Sinyi, try some cake." But the person she telling to is another uncle standing behind her. The uncle is like so shock and maybe thinking is her brain ok !? 01/04/10 Thursday. Went to meet Jocelyn and CheeKuan to go down to TP for their ez-link card. But in the end, the person say all they need to do is go to any Mrt station and pay for their fee. =_= Then we take Bus 23 back. But the problem is we sit over the stop that we are suppose to stop at. =_=!!! And we start to discuss on whether we should go down the bus and take the opp. way back to Boon Keng. And we discover we arrive at Bugis. So have lunch there and went to see my OLD working partner. We leave without buying any bak kuak. WHAHAHA! Then went to Yishan to meet Huimin then down to RP. Went to RP and I just ask one question. " What must we do after applying online for the tuition grant?" She just give me a paper and is done. Then we find a place to sit down and chat. Then went down to my house. Then playground. Colour catching, ice and freeze and catching. Then went home. 02/01/10 Friday. Planned to went picnic at Marina Barrage. But in the end just cook at Belinde house and eat. But still went there. Then down to Bishan with Jocelyn, CheeKuan and Jingzhi. Eat tian pin. Then home. Now downloading Maple. Cause Jocelyn, CheeKuan and I decide to play together and level together. Quite Lame. But nothing better to do. Hahas. SsinyiI |
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