Sunday, February 28 @ 11:19 PM
Wake up at 3plus. I must be nuts. Wake up so late. But I am really very tired. How can my life be so boring. Not working. Not going to school. Not going out.NO LIFE = No Income + No Mood + Darm Boring SsinyiI Saturday, February 27 @ 11:45 PM
Went to Huimin's school. Her school is darm warm. Global Warming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I sweat like hell. OMG. Darm tired today! Rachel Soh is at same school with Huimin. Surpise.SsinyiI Thursday, February 25 @ 10:11 PM
I need a job!!!!!!!!!!!! That what I am thinking everyday man. Now got one telemarketing. Should I or Not? Cause it seem to be quite boring. Been watching old videos of kang xi lai le and alot more. Also watch videos about super junior ( 韩庚). He quite a good guy. All I can say. Hahas. Then did nothing except watching videos. Listening to songs. What a boring life. I truly recommend everyone go and listen to Super Junior ( 到了明天). I'm not no.1 fans of them. Just happen to listen to this song through my youtube-ing. I think is quite nice. I wanna to like post it through youtube but it seem to be having some problem. So I type it down here. SsinyiI Tuesday, February 23 @ 10:19 PM
I went to Hospital to visit Ah Zhong Gor Gor. He still remember me. That so good. He seem to be in real good mood today. He is suppose to be out of hospital today. But yesterday, he have a fall and hurt his head. So the doctor dun allow him to leave the hospital until his "BUN" on his head get smaller. Hahas. Joke with him. He treat me his APPLE PIE which is suppose to be his dinner. Apple Pie presented by the S.G.H's kitchen. Is actually too sweet for me. Hahas. Maybe because I dun really like sweet stuff. WHAHAHAHAS! After that, we went to my Da Yi de house. Have dinner. VERY VERY FULL. My cousin, Ah Kuan gor gor, have 2 dogs. They are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute. Love it man! Whahahhas. SsinyiI Monday, February 22 @ 11:31 PM
Slacking everyday. I wanna. I need. A JOB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really cant stay at home everyday. I may just die off. SsinyiI Friday, February 19 @ 10:50 PM
Happy Birthday to You. Happy Birthday to Tee Sin YiA nice dinner with Laopo men, Huimin and Jocelyn. Bro angry? Angry with ... ... 一个没有生日蛋糕的生日是生日吗? 期待自己回到家可以听到弟说:姐,我买了你的生日蛋糕 很难吗? 我不知道为什么他会对我 。。。 。。。 SsinyiI Thursday, February 18 @ 11:41 PM
Meet Huimin at J8 at around 3.30. I'm late. I need to clarify she SUDDENLY ask me out. So I'm not prepared. Hahahas. Watch the 家田喜事. Nice movie. So funny. HEHE. My birthday tml. Whahas. A simple birthday is just what I need. Hehe. :)Having a birthday with my best friend and my family. That all I need. SsinyiI Saturday, February 13 @ 10:10 PM
I'm still in singapore. I know I said that I will be leaving for malaysia in the afternoon. But my cousin say he will fetching us at eleven at night. So why not take car instead of taking bus? So we decide to wait for him. WHAHAHAHAS!Last day of work :) Got my pay. Whooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I will look for job during march again. If not life would be so boring.... .... Happy Chinese New Year :) SsinyiI @ 2:22 AM
Work like siao is my life for like this 2 week. My legs really hurt alot. My last 10hr of work ended. Today will be only a 4hr. Yeah. Then I am off for my CNY trip. Love it. Looking forward for it. Finally a CNY without school. YEAHToday after work, I'm calling home and my dad phone. And I COULDN'T contact anyone of them. I am like DARM ASSHOLE WORRY. I'm like keep thinking of thoese bad stuff. Keeping going around my mind. I miss call my Dad from Bugis all the way to Novena Mrt. Then when he pick up, my tears JUST couldn't control. I am like so worry. They nvr ever dun pick my phone anymore. I scolded them. I know I maybe acting abit over. But this is the first time they nvr pick up my phone. And is late at night 11plus going to 12. How can I not worry. I am HUMAN!! I be leaving for Malaysia today. Yeah :) SsinyiI Friday, February 12 @ 1:57 AM
Thursday, February 11 @ 12:39 AM
Haven been blogging this few days. Am I right? Worked everyday. How Tiring can I be??? Counting down on process. This work maybe more tiring yet at least I got better better working partner. I feel better.SsinyiI Monday, February 8 @ 10:19 AM
What my life been recently??? Work. Bak Kuak. Everyday!!! Wake up early in the morning, getting home late. Reached home at 8plus. Bath and sleep. That what I do almost everyday. Cant use the internet. Finally today I do afternoon shift. Got a little bit of time. But I need to like sacrifice my sleep for just a little bit of internet time. Cause I will be doing morning shift for like the next day. And I end work today at 11pm. Work start 9am tml!? I must be crazy to agree with Simin.Yesterday, work inside the bbq area. I am asked to tear the bak Kuak one piece by one piece. The problem is that it is RAW !!!!!! Can u imagine the smell??? Tian Ah! We got an 1h break. That so good. I not scared of rain! :) I think I make spolit one of the machine? SsinyiI Friday, February 5 @ 10:54 PM
DARM TIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Work 10hour everyday. How tiring can it be?? This is more tiring than Hush Puppies. But I feel more comfortable here. How to say it?? People at my pevious job suck!? Here? Better than anyone. At least they show u if u are beginner. But my leg is even more painful when I do at Hush Puppies. Pain. Tired yet nice :P Today Linda and Joce are like suan-ing each other by telling the BBQ head like who each other like. Then I'm just making a call by the side. Then in the end, they 2 team up and match make me with another person and told the head of BBQ? Then head of BBQ go and tell the guy that I wanna be his gf right in front the both of our face? Then I was like say "I am taken". I was like OMG. But hai hao. Cause not like I really interested in him or even have any hard feeling on him. He is like 22 year old? And he feel so mature? I am like active girl!? WHAHAHAS. SsinyiI @ 12:01 AM
Work at Mei Zhen Xiang for 10hour again. Whoo. How many days left?? 9 more days. Hope it pass fast. Meet bro at J8 after work. Walk around to look for his new wallet. In the end, he brought a billabong de wallet. I dun think is very nice. Hahas. Then we go make the window art. He made one for me, I made one for him HahasSsinyiI Wednesday, February 3 @ 11:59 PM
Went to badminton tournament. I'm proudly to annonce that our school badminton girl team go up to the next round. WHoooooooo :PThen have Mos with Yesin, then went home. Have been feeling unwel recently. Keep having stomach ache. I have been eatting seafood yesterday and a few days ago. I think that the problem. But everytime,the second day when I finish going to the toliet, I will be ok. But this time round, it have been going on for very long. I think my stomach have been keeping weaker and weaker. I must eat more 淡 de food. SsinyiI Tuesday, February 2 @ 11:37 PM
Work 10h at Mei Zheng Xiang. WHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I pack around 200plus or near to 300 bak Kuak.Can I have 1kg of ... ... and 500g of ... ...!!! I now dun like to eat Bak Kuak le lah! Feel like vomiting when I smell it. Hahas! SsinyiI Monday, February 1 @ 11:14 PM
Went to Mei Zheng Xiang to work. Will be working everyday till 13/02. Quite easy lah. Hahas. Will be same timing with Ahma. Whoooooo!!!Poem Made by me: 我的家是你的家 我的妈妈叫妈妈 我的爸爸叫爸爸 我的弟弟家弟弟 我的姐姐叫姐姐 Song: Maria~~~~ Where is my chicken? SsinyiI |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
Random girl from random street.
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