Monday, December 28 @ 11:19 PM
Went to Changi Airport with Ahma and Xinyi. But went to Expo first the Airport. Brought Dad & Mum a shirt. Dad will be back to Singapore first. Mum & Bro back tml.Just got a bad news. I need to do return on my own? I still need to wrap the glasses!? WTH!! The driver is fierce! I may not need to do he return of clothes but why the glasses!? And do it without the help of TING TING! What have I done? I mean What can I do!? 天啊!!! My Complaing of my Job! (You may not have to care about what is writen here is just sinyi complains) I am looking so forward for this weekend to come. The ending of my darm working day! How can I look so much forward to it. Maybe this is really not my CUP OF TEA! The only part that I like about this job is the TALKing to People. I am really very very respect people who are doing this job. Maybe if You are able to get a better head or person working beside u. You maybe able to feel more INTERESTED with this job that you are doing? xD Maybe everyone is greedy. Hoping to have a better working partner that such "nice" one. Asking me or Ordering me to do thing that I did for the very first time. Great job. If I did anything wrong,plz spare me. If not I may turn and bite u real hard. My way of living Knowing it now the hard of working. I must work hard for a better job in our life. If u didn't get a job that will attract u.You may just die from it. Work hard for it in your life before being struck in a job that will cause u to be unhappy for like over you darm "bless-ed" life. SsinyiI Sunday, December 27 @ 9:56 PM
My whole family went to Malaysia without the poor ME!!! Decide to give work a miss tml while waiting for my family to come back after helping my bro do HIS IC!!! Came home. Bath and used com. Went to the MacDelivery website. Click Click Click! And I got my DINNER!! WHAHAHAHAS! I order Happy meal and one large fries! I got a Avater Girl! HAHAS!And I nid to stay up to my promise. It is to introduce to everyone the 2009 Christmas Complain Queen. She can be anyone. Being able to complain is ok! Unhappy about something. Complain. But being able to make people unhappy and not only the person SHE complain unhappy is something everyone should SCOLD/FUCK/CURSE her about. Complain about little tiny mini thing! Complain about nothing. Complain about everything even not RELATED to her! Who she think she is. First, let me say what she HAD DONE to Johanna and Me. Lending of a legging. Easy like nothing. Ask, lend, happy and DONE. But she being like her character,she started using all types of excuses and reason and her own way of non-stopping mouth to make thingy NOT easy and Unhappy!! Complain to the supervisor. C'mon. People of other brand can lend us belt and hat. Why not u!? Let me say it in a simple way. THAT NOT UR COMPANY! People not worry about it then why you? I dun believe u LOVE your company that much! Worry about being fired? Guess what? That ur future!!!! Guess what!? I think that ur most lucky ending. Worse for u have not come! Siting in front the com, I got lots of comment or maybe guideline for u to listen and follow. And for today. What the type of attitude u have? I am not under u or something. I am managing TWO(MORE THAN YOU) counter at one times? And somemore the counters are so far apart? You expect me to be at the counter which is beside u all the time? I need to be at two counter? Shout at me like no one business. You dun wanna face, I still wanna. What to u mean by shouting "O, Xiao Mei! Your counter!!!" And give me the unhappy face! Feeling like throwing the CLOTHES on to ur that stinking retarded face! Stop behaving like a stupid women that bark like a stray dogs or cats. Sorry. You are not even like them. Dogs and Cats are even so much better and cuter than YOU. Thank You Enjoying my Mac Happy Meal! SsinyiI Friday, December 25 @ 11:03 PM
Merry Christmas!!! Christmas Eve Didn't have the celebration as planned. Quite look forward for the stay at Xinyi's hse. But change of plan suddenly. Quite sad. Sing K with AhMa, Huimin, Casmine and Xinyi. Nice place. Almost 7h of singing time. Then off to buy ingredients for Steamboat at Xinyi's hse. Ying Ying came. Eat till DARM GOODNESS Full. Play games. Then went home. Bath, Com, Sleep. That how my Christmas eve went by ... ... Today: Went out to meet Huimin, Casmine and Ying Ying. Played at the arcade. Went to Bugis. Return Xinyi Phone. By the way, I took her phone home yesterday. She give me a FREE Cheese stick which I planned to buy. I said: See! My twin sister so GOOD to me. WHAHAHAHAHAS!!Then ate at Mos Burger. Home sweet Home after that. Mum cook nice nice soup today. Dan Gui Soup. Yummy! This Christmas seem boring beside the singing K part. Quite normal just like normal garthering for friends. One more thing: I know how to dance Sorry Sorry. WHAHAHAHAS.(Inner Joke) SsinyiI Monday, December 21 @ 11:45 PM
@ 11:45 PM
@ 10:41 PM
Work! Did my first ordering DONE UP. Waiting for Price Tag now. Tml Yong Ling an Yevone coming down. I asking them about my salary. Not sure whether mine in already anot. But Johanna de haven yet. I haven got the chance to update my bank book.I will work right to the date o come. MY VISA IS NOW SUCCESS WHAHAHAHAHAS. That mean I can go to GUANGZHOU!! SsinyiI Friday, December 18 @ 9:43 PM
Decided to stop working at 03.01.10 Will be going oversea at 18.01.10 to 21.01.10 comfirmed! Waiting for visa now. Hope it will went through.Going to temple to pray pray tml. Worry about staying ata the hotel. Exspecially after hearing from Alida experiece of staying at the hotel. I am scared !!! WHAHAHAHAHAS! Did something wrong. Told the customer the wrong information. That shirt with no discount. I told her have. OMG!!! Then the senior of the OG called my boss. DIE LAH. I must hold my anger or whatever feeling I had till the day to come. 12 more working days left. I wanna go oversea!! SsinyiI Tuesday, December 15 @ 11:53 PM
ASSHOLE "12" year old GIRL! If someone ask you to do the ordering form and you did all you can to do it. Late for work. Rush there. After trying you best, did everything finish and someone tell you SHE did it ALREADY!!!. WHAT THE HELLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really so angry!!!!!!!! That the first thing I did in this morning. Rush it all the way. And she didn't even see, check or take it as a reference. All she say is BRING IT HOME? Bring it home? For what? You will see it appearing at my RUBBISH BIN!. WHAHAHAS. Fucker. Shorty. GL. ASSHOLE. Your face just appear to be like your ass. Your hand is as short as a ruler. Fucking. Nothing is wrong with your appearance. But is your character. You think you very great? You are just a fucking asshole. With no attitude. You think you are trying o make fun of me? Asshole. Fucker. Let me start with a new one. Met a auntie today. She is one of my customer. She got some eye problem. She is like a few percentage of her eye is blind or she is in dark. I think is kind of night blindness. She say her condition will be wosen. So she say she try to go out more often as she worry she might not even be able to stand out her house next time. She is going to a vaction soon. Hope she have a good time. SsinyiI Sunday, December 13 @ 10:01 PM
Work today again. Tml off. Going to get my visa done tml. 5 working days.You may go to Pg blog again. She got new stuff for you to check it out. Same person Same topic. Fuck You. Just shut you big fat mouth up. Easy and Done. SsinyiI Saturday, December 12 @ 11:16 PM
Work today!People aware. Scolding starting. 2009 most GL person!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am VERY VERY ANGRY! I may not be very good at the job YET. But so what. How long had you done the job!? So what if I didn't do well enough like someone else? Compare!? What the heck!? Fine. I fold. I fold. Darm You. Another lady? Complain!? Big Mouth!? What. OLD FAT WOMEN! So you think you are very BIG? She not here so you can say say say. COMPLAIN COMPLAIN COMPLAIN!? Wait for the day to come. I make you suffer. What if someone say about what you had done? Eat sweet, talk during work. And you you you!? Darm the asshole out of you. So what you are greater? So what you did it longer. I may have been enduring it FOR NOW!? But wait. After than you better HOPE that I did not appear in your life anymore.Cause by the time we meet again, I will make YOU suffer like you wen to hell earlier than YOU DIE!!!Asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will nvr know how much I hate you. Complain and continue and make sure you die because of YOU DIE OF YOUR OWN DARM ASSHOLE DARM IDOIT MOUTH!!!!!!!!!! I really hope you will disappear from my WORLD. DARM DE ASSHOL.FUCKER! Hate the every minute and every second WITH THE DARM YOU!!!You may not see this. But I hope you feel the darm ass of you. ROT THE EVERY SECOND OF YOU.You say u dun wanna care me,right. Then dun care lah. Asshole lah you. BUSYBODY LAH YOU. Darm FUCK you. DIE WITH THE ASSHOLE OF YOU. You 2 can be the 2009 most GL person. Congratz to the TWO of you. Hahahas. Asshole fuckeing person.People be careful to such person. SsinyiI Friday, December 11 @ 11:54 PM
Went to the Zoo at Wed with HushBrown(OhXinyi) and Laopo. Both of them swear will not go to the zoo unless anything special. Whahahas.Work go on again. Laopo come and vist me at Chinatown today. Thank Laopo. SsinyiI Tuesday, December 8 @ 10:30 PM
Decided to set up a blogshop. I dun think I will be buying my ipod touch so soon. My stock need money. So maybe spend my $ on my blogshop first. Thinking of the blogshop name. What can it be?I will be going to 广州. Who can lend me winter clothes? SsinyiI Monday, December 7 @ 9:32 AM
窗外的天氣 就像是 你多變的表情 Thursday, December 3 @ 11:07 PM
![]() Will be going back to work tml. I now need to work really hard. Must not complain of the tired-ness!!! My goal, My dream, My target, My everything. I will earn my thing myself. After earning enough for all this, will be saving money for next year. And bro's bdea christmas bdea, 40 bucks. Aiyo. I MUST WORK HARD!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Highest expense = $509. I must work till next year in order to hit the target. Ending of relax. Work Time is here. The next time I can wear got COLOUR de shirt is Christmas. Event of COLOUR ! Hahas. I will be BLACK again!!! See me black in action. Yesterday Jovin Birthday & BBQ What a "full" day!!! Have Soul Garden with Jovin(Birthday Girl), Huimin, Xinyi, Ryan(Only Boy), Ying Ying and Two Jasmine. Saussage is the main dish that day. Dun ask me why. Oh yar,anothing main dish is JASMINE TAY DE 蛋!!! Then we off for BBQ. Not bad. But I start a battle. This is call Sinyi fav SNOW FIGHT!!! I will revenage!!!! Let do it again at Christmas. Time: Christmas's night. Venue: To be comfirm Make sure BRING extra CLOTHES!!!!!!! Cause I will spray whoever I see! Laopo men, we will stand together,right!? WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA SsinyiI |
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