Friday, November 27 @ 11:40 PM
Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work !!!! That all I did for like everyday. I am stop working at the week of Christmas. Week of Christmas. All planned. Bro ge 160 for PSLE!!! Normal. A. SsinyiI Thursday, November 26 @ 10:31 PM
Work Work Work, is what I do all the long. Working the whole day. Come back home from work. Get a good bath, eat my dinner, use the com, go to bed. Then the day start all over the same again. This what I had been doing for like everyday. From next week onward, I will have off on every monday & wed. I am thinking that I will stop work at around the last week of dec or finish dec. Should I or should not. By dec, I would already earn enough. (I hope). Maybe I shall continue to work till I make my decision.放工出来时,看到有一位老先生在表演唱歌。在旁边又一位外国人在表演乐器。两人的所发出的声音不分上下。老先生表演的是老一辈的流行歌曲而外国人的应该是有点像古典乐的音乐。两个截然不同的东西竟然可以那么的简单的结合在一起。东西方的结合。从老先生的声音中听的出,他是因为喜爱唱歌而唱歌。外国人的是为了艺术而表演 。连两个不一样的东西加起来却是那么的使我我不想离去,就像在那里听。 Christmas. I maybe working. Dad's birthday reaching. Bro get 160. Normal, A. He is happy/sad? I not sure SsinyiI Wednesday, November 25 @ 11:44 PM
Rush down to Chnatown after reaching expo for like 20 minutes. Hahas. Chinatown quite good. Learn alot today. Hahas. Tml work start at 11am to 8pm. Not bad. At least better than expo. WHAHAHAHAS. Get out of there. Yeah Yeah.Jia You, Sinyi ! Anyway, I will work hard for what I wanna ! Whahaha. SsinyiI Tuesday, November 24 @ 10:09 PM
Got a good new today at the morning. One of the lady tell me that I will be changing to Chinatown OG Building. I need to buy a new BLACK pants. So happy. Can get out of the expo work. I dun nid to work on weekend for expo. If not will be darm tiring. Still worrying for my weekend. Now is all settle. Pricilla's blogshop. Take a look! I brought earphones and wallet. Hahas Kaining say I spend alot so she sms me and tell me about this. Hahas. SsinyiI @ 12:23 AM
Worked for like 4 days le. Sun got leave. Too tired. Worked 1 day and I am down with flu. Today, Derrick worked for 2pm to 10pm. Pei him work. He is crazy of the FAKE model we have. Making his hand go round and round. Crazy him and laugh like siao. My place there got one guy darm GL de. His face, His action. First time I saw one guy is more 38 than girl. Say about ppl and somemore right in front of me. WTH. Throw Throw Throw. Going to work everyday till next mon(Packingday). Weekend FULL shift 11.5h. If leave again will minus 2 day de PAY. I will make sure myself work hard though this week. And I will get a sum of money and I will get prepare for christmas. Present for my family and sing K with laopoS and Xinyi. Da Laopo, waiting for our WANG FEI !SsinyiI Friday, November 20 @ 8:42 PM
Worked for 2 day le. Leg is so painful. But ppl there are quite ok. Tml I am going to work for the longest hour I ever going to work in my life, 11 and half hour. What I do is fold the shirt, recommend the shirt. I must jia you !!! Food Fair. So many thingy to eat. But dun feel like cause my leg is too tired. Hahas.Go Go Go Sinyi. SsinyiI Wednesday, November 18 @ 11:15 PM
The 3 day before prom = shopping + TIRED.Prom night = Photo taking. When to Huimin house after that, till 2am. Cab-ed home with Toh Xinyi. Went for job searching the next day after prom.I was darm DESPERATE for job! I am like roaming at Marina Square, every shop asking " DO YOU NEED PART TIME?". The answer is this " We need 18./19 years old." "Sorry is taken" I am CRAZY. Together with Jocelyn Yow went to meet Huimin and YingYing at Amk. Again, I roam almost every shop again. Then Jocelyn and I went Huimin house. Did some SPECIAL singing. LALALALALA~ In the end, Toh Xinyi recommend me one job. Got it. Working tml. At expo. Sell ladies wear and stuff. Hush Puppies. Come and vist me if u are free. Hahas. Black is my Colour! Photos of prom waiting for ppl to upload. SsinyiI Wednesday, November 11 @ 11:39 PM
EXAM IS OVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whahahahas. Finally everything is over. But dun have the feeling of over. Maybe because everyone haven over yet. Plan for this week is full. Almost ba! HAHAS. Will be rebonding hair. But I face some problem. Hahas. SsinyiI Monday, November 9 @ 11:03 PM
Food & Nutrition paper. Quite ok. But I forget the reason for preserving of food. Why!?Mum and bro went to Malaysia today le. I am all alone. (Dead) Rotting at home. Went for the job interview. I dun think I will get it anyway. Cause I am like arh.... Yup... arh.... yup.... Eat duck rice. Passion fruit. Orange juice. And use com and my xiao turtle is still MIA-ing. Cant find him? Where is him? If he die somewhere in the house, how? Arh! SsinyiI Sunday, November 8 @ 8:52 PM
Went to sing K with Yicong, Xinyi, Huimin and Pat, Wanted to go to Bishan de Party world but is down. Then went to Amk de. La La La~ Quite tired today. Suprise Pat with a cake. And some photo taking ba. Hahas. Study yesterday till late night. Therefore not very high. PSPS. But still manage to sing some tune out of my mouth. So tired.Went home instead of going Xinyi house. Everyone is so tired. Didn't know that whole family is waiting for me to order Pizza Hut. Order online. Anyhow click. Hehe. Will study after eating. Mum and Bro will be going to Malaysia tml at around 6plus for Grandpa 100th day. I wanna to go for every time. But I cant. Haiz. SsinyiI Friday, November 6 @ 1:09 PM
Darm nice. ROCKER. @ 1:03 PM
抒情的ROCKER. @ 1:00 PM
Rocker Wednesday, November 4 @ 8:22 PM
Still left with like 1 2 3 4 5 paper to go and eveything will come to an end. Yeah. Days pass fast. On next week Mon and Tue, eveyone will not be at home except Dad and me. Mum and Bro going Malaysia for Grandpa 100th day. I wanna go !! But CANT ! ARH!Shall wait for 3 year. SsinyiI @ 6:48 PM
Yeah is out ! |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
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