Saturday, October 31 @ 11:23 PM
Wake up even later today.Watch Princess Daries & Royal Engament. Finally find the movies I wanna to watch. Study Chem by a few chapter. Bro lost his ez-link card but in the end is in my bag. WHAHAHA!!! Alot of movies to watch in the tv today. YEAH. SsinyiI Friday, October 30 @ 11:15 PM
Blogging log darm slow today. Restart internet for like 4 to 5 times.Wake up in the morning with a sweet dream. Nice morning. Mum's brand breakfast : Fried Noodles with Prawn plus egg plus 五香 plus a cup of hot milo. Wonderful,right? Watch a movie: Another Cinderella story. Nice movie. Nice move. But actually I am finding another movie. But I am not sure what the name of the movie. Study social studies. Done with it. Now all left with chem. I shall do it for the first time and the last time. Done with it and I am done. I am will try my best not to touch science anymore. Dinner Watch 爸爸闭翳 & 添丁发财 last ep. Nice. Using computer now. And this shall end my day. SsinyiI Thursday, October 29 @ 9:53 PM
Went to Xinyi house and celebrate her bdea. First, meet Huimin and buy cake. Then meet Ahma at school. Down Xinyi House. Cheat her that we are playing Hide-and-seek. I went to her house first saying that I nid a place to hide because we playing HaS. Then Huimin & Ahma come. Play tabbo. Eat the cake, Xinyi and me drink red wine. Went home.SsinyiI @ 1:49 PM
笨蛋 @ 1:48 PM
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Wednesday, October 28 @ 8:51 PM
English, Math Paper 1&2 pass. Tml no paper till next week. Continue study really make me so tired. Doing math till late night 2am yesterday. More to come, Less to go. I will be waiting for 11.11 to come. At that day, I will be real CRAZY. But other are ending later than me.So many things to do after exam. But so many thing to do during exam. SsinyiI Sunday, October 25 @ 7:49 PM
I wanna nobody nobody 眼睛 I wanna nobody nobody 眼睛 Chawanmushi Gyoza 然后还有油条 I wanna nobody nobody. Wake up and find nobody at home and with $10 dallor left on my table... ... My whole family are off to Malaysia for my 三舅舅wedding. Meet up with Xinyi at KFC again at 11. Study till 6pm. So tired. This is what I shall do for the day. Tml is the big day. My dinner: I use the rice cooker to cook instant noodles. The stove is locked. And I wanted to try to open but she say it will explore if I didn't did it the correct way!? They will be back soon,right? SsinyiI Saturday, October 24 @ 10:21 PM
Tuition in the morning. Mix up the timing again.Went to KFC with Xinyi. We did up our math. Year 03/04. Back home. I will be all alone tml for the whole day. SsinyiI Friday, October 23 @ 11:38 PM
Math is the topic for today. Pay up Prom $,finally.Next Mon is the day ... ... SsinyiI Thursday, October 22 @ 10:26 PM
Went to practical today. When I step into the lab, I saw the Voltmeter and I knew it.Went to eat Sakea with Huimin and Xinyi. We did alot of video recording. Darm funny. It will be upload soon after they send me. SsinyiI Wednesday, October 21 @ 10:17 PM
Practical tml. So tiring.SsinyiI Tuesday, October 20 @ 11:57 PM
I must stay on and not get in to any *Food Rush* because of 暂时性饥饿. Hahas. 3/2 meal a day is good enough. Hang out.Tml I am going to strive a whole day study day. No matter what. And again go for a run at 6pm. This shall be my plan. SsinyiI Monday, October 19 @ 10:57 PM
His Song is quite nice. Sunday, October 18 @ 10:49 PM
YesterdayWent running at bishan park during evening. Listening to music and jog aroud the park. Ppl jogging getting more and more. Then sit by the pond and rest. Wonderful,right? Today. Brought 2 new shirt. But not even having the chance to wear. Really wanna to go out. Someone please ask me out to study or shop. I am really so board. SsinyiI @ 8:06 PM
This real funny. Friday, October 16 @ 11:52 PM
Went out with Bro today. Arcade, Movie. We watched the movie The Deadly Tsunami. Not bad. Quite Funny and touching. You can check it out.SsinyiI Thursday, October 15 @ 10:36 PM
![]() Went to meet Ahma to pay prom night $ but again nvr pay. Went to the library with Ahma and Xinyi. Then saw Brenda, Zhengyi and Jovin.They stay awhile and leave. We play a prank on Jasmin over the phone. I am the representative of god. (Inner Joke). P.S Alway make sure u view through all Menu on the table before ordering. SsinyiI @ 8:28 PM
LONG hair. Wednesday, October 14 @ 11:15 PM
Study SS again and drawing. Normal day. Relax.SsinyiI Tuesday, October 13 @ 11:42 PM
Mon. Tuition at night.Today. Went to meet Ahma and W. And saw Brenda and Jasmine. Study awhile then went to J8 for a Lemon Drinking Competition. All will be show at the vid if Brenda upload. But the competition held at J8 is not recorded. But got pic. Hahas. I love Lemon. Brenda love Lemon! Hahas. Then came home. Sleep awhile. Study SS again. P.S 最简单的快乐是简单的生活. SsinyiI Sunday, October 11 @ 9:56 PM
Took out my SS textbook. Manage to study something. Hahas.人生好比我们日常生话中不能缺少的纸袋。 如果纸袋破了,东西就会不见。时间就和纸袋一样。时间从破洞中流出。时间流失的可怕的,是我们找不回来。因此,我们以更珍惜时间。 要珍睡觉的时间哦!!! 哈哈! SsinyiI Saturday, October 10 @ 10:14 PM
![]() Upload this for fun. Just nice, I saw this 2009. Hahas. Went out in the morning for tuition. The rain is so big. I went out after I bath. And there no use that I blow dry my hair. Cause by the time I reached Aamanda's bus stop, I am all wet again! Went to KFC for the chicken porridge. First time. Alway wanted to try but KFC morning breakfast start at around 8am. Not the timing that allow students like me to go. Always got school. Tried it out with Amanda. Not bad, taste good. You should go try it out too. Came back and have some drawing session. Then wait for the party to start. That led to hunger. I was so hungry by then. Came up. Slack around with Bro. Did some studying. But I am too tired. Didn't did much either. Study time is reducing. My effort must double up. Hope I could. Bro's PSLE ends at next Mon. Good for him. His wish: Get to the same Secondary school with his gf. Wish him good luck! P.S 能够牵着你的手到老。那也是一种幸福吧! SsinyiI Friday, October 9 @ 9:25 PM
![]() 1. I mix up the time to meet Amanda. We are suppose to meet at 7.45am but I mix up the time to 6.45am. A total of 1h. I started spam call & sms to her while I am waiting for bus, around 6.30. When I boarded the bus at 6.40, I realise I mix up the time. Then waiting at J8 for around more than 50min for Amanda. Waste my sleeping time. 2. Huimin and I went to the toliet at J8. Then I went in the toliet first. I thought Huimin is beside me. Then I start to like move my leg over and say very loudly " Did you saw my leg? Hahas". Then Huimin say "Never arh" I was like TIAN AH. I fastest rush out of the toliet before the person beside me is out. I blast out laughing when I told Ahma about it. (Ahma is waiting outside the toliet). SsinyiI @ 8:20 PM
Check her drawing. Good! Incredible. @ 8:13 PM
She pro. Really like her drawing. Check it out. How good if I can draw like her ... @ 1:59 PM
超好笑!!! Thursday, October 8 @ 9:16 PM
Skip Phy. Dun really like science. All I could say. I will still try to study my own. But will not ask any teacher for help. Science will be either I get it or I dun get it.Mum cried today. Bro cried today. Me too. Mum was really upset that Bro dun wanna to study for his PSLE. But everything is ok now. Bro work hard now. I really hope eveything will be fine. My eyes is still in pain. Will give phy a miss tml. Go for morning breakfast with Amanda tml. SsinyiI @ 6:37 PM
This so funny. @ 6:32 PM
Quite "A". But is her. HAHAS. Wednesday, October 7 @ 10:27 PM
Didn't blog for 2days. So busy and tired to use the com. When I went to the facebook, I saw a video that shock the freak out of me. Oh Xinyi is so grateful that she upload the video of me stressing up to facebook. She is fast in action !!! Anyway, got another wedding to attend. But I cant go. The wedding is my 3th Uncle with his 2nd wife. Is on the 25th of this month. The location is too far in Malaysia. Dad, Mum and bro may not come back on the next day which is Mon,MY FIRST PAPER. I am expected to wake up myself and go school. I should be able to do that. Hehe. But I really wanna to go. They say the wedding must be before my grandpa's 100th days. Therefore, the wedding is bring forward. SsinyiI Sunday, October 4 @ 9:09 PM
Back from Malaysia around 6plus. Everyone is tired. I left my Jacket at Grandma's hse the last time. Now I left my ez-link card at 6th Aunt's hse. What a forgetful person am I. Actually, Not really me to blame. Dun feel like elaborate.03.10 Went to Meet Xinyi and Ahma then down to AMK to meet Carina. Carina bringing me to iron my hair. I hope I get the treatment's name right. Hahas. I am kind of like the result of my hair. I thinking I am looking forward to rebond my hair! Hahas. Went to Aracade with Huimin and Ahma.Xinyi left with her friend. Then eat. Then the both of them come over my house. Then off I hurry to Malaysia. Reach the restuant at about 7.50pm. Wedding dinner start. So full and get abit unwell. A sudden stayover at 6th Aunt's hse. I prefer to be with my cousins. Then with adults. Beg my father to stay. And of cuz, I won!!! Hehe! Today. Shop @ Kip Mart. I dun really like shopping at a place for more than 1 time. We have a hard time walking around the place as we walked around for more than 5 time. No one is here to fetch us back home until my 6th Aunt came. 5th Aunt, Mum and I are so tired. I dun like sweet drink for now. Because of the REAL sweet drink I had at the Kip Mart. Omg, it is really so SWEET!!! No offence.Malays in Malaysia really like to drink SWEET drink. The sugar-content they can take in is really alot times more than me!! I cant finish the drink even though is my fav!!! P.S I like playing Heart Attack with my cousins. Hehe. SsinyiI Friday, October 2 @ 10:36 PM
It is Graduation Day!!!Went back home after school with Kaining to eat. Some home cooked noodles. Back to school. Get report book. Graduation start!! Sing school song,talk by principal, souvenir (Class photo), Speech by chairperson, videos and performance then end. Some photo talking session and eating. Went J8 with Amanda and Joslyn. Then went to J8 with Xiny, Huimin and Ahma. Walked around J8 and trying out some dresses (Huimin&Ahmaonly). Went to Mos, video taking and went home.....What a tiring day!! Going Malaysia tml. No time to post about snake. Planning to. Fall in love with Snake! They are actually very nice animal yet dangerous. SsinyiI Thursday, October 1 @ 9:31 PM
Today is CHILDREN'S DAY!!! Thank Mr Koh for the cute children's day bag and Miss Tan for the sweet(Is a treat). Wanting to take a photo of the bag of things given by but cant find my com's cam. Trying to do my Math paper. But got really tired. Therefore, only manage to do finish half of it. Wake up @ 9pm. I am really tired. If not, I wouldn't have sleep for so long. 4 - 10. P.S. How good to be a children forever? SsinyiI |
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