Tuesday, September 29 @ 10:31 PM
Mon!Pei Huimin go buy clock. We are both tired. My leg is so painful. When reach home, My toes is all red and zhong. But after resting awhile is not zhong but still very painful. Today. Went to buy my cardi(Dunnoehowtospell) and got a scarf. Next, I still nid to buy another pants. Ahma and Me. Went everywhere to look for a seat. Ours leg are both so painful and keep having stomach ache. Went home with painful legs. My legs is still aching. Continue for 2 days le. Hope that it will get better tml. P.S Some mothers will find any chance to nag at their children. In the bus or even walking. SsinyiI Sunday, September 27 @ 8:13 PM
Another day of Slacking. Haven been studying for so many days. I must say it out. Will start revision tml? I hope I can resist from whatever that cause me not to study. I really hope so.P.S Cant wait for next sat. It will surely be any way better than Fri. SsinyiI @ 2:53 AM
真希望他们能在一起 Saturday, September 26 @ 12:11 AM
One lame question I wanna ask:Bastard and Bitch's daugther is call wad??? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Is call Bimbo. Bastard and Bitch's son is call???? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Son of the bitch. This joke is created during the boring walk to J8 with Jocelyn Yow. Thank You SsinyiI @ 12:05 AM
Finally last day of the week for school. I am so Tired. Join the prefect for their graduation party. Sing and dance. Hahas. So funny. And watch some really funny videos. I will post if I could find it. But leave early. Nid to rush for Family's birthday party. Waited for like from 7plus till 8plus. Finally reach the resturant at around 9plus. fetch. Crab again!!! And I cant eat. Thus, I ate two bowl of noodles, duck and some side dishes. We are already late when we reached. So tired. So boring night night!!!SsinyiI Thursday, September 24 @ 9:49 PM
Stomach pain so badly. Wonder wad I eat wrongly. Aching. Pain.SsinyiI Wednesday, September 23 @ 10:59 PM
Not Feeling well.Wrote some poem during tuition. 等 我等着你 等 我盼望着你 等 等着你的出现 等 你还是没来 等 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 他妈的!你要不要来!!! 想 我想你 想 我想着你 想 我想念你 想 你为何还不来 想 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 你为何还不来还钱?? 谢谢。 Wrote this. DARM funny. Amanda thought should be a love poem when she read the front. Going to sleep now!! I am Not feeling well.... ..... P.S I feel stress. SsinyiI Tuesday, September 22 @ 8:21 PM
Back to school today!!! So tired. Blog early today. Brought a new watch together with Joslyn. Hahas. She must be thinking of the Jacket now ... ... Hehe.SsinyiI Monday, September 21 @ 9:43 PM
Back from MALAYSIA !!!19.09 Sat Went to MALAYSIA. Take bus in with Mum,五姨, Zi Jian, Yi Zhi, Yi Siong, Yi Hong and Bro. Then went to Zi Jian house to have a stayover. Tml then go back to Grandma's hse. Boys went to cut hair except for Zi Kang, Bro and me. Went to the broken playground. Bro fall right on the water when he came down from the slide. Zi Kang and me LAUGH out really hard. Then have a short badminton game. I went off to have a mini shooping with 小姨, 五姨 and Mum. While the boys are back home @ dunnoe wad time. Brought a shoe and a mini bag. Everyone got something back home at least. HAHAS. Then back home, dinner, watch tv and sleep. 20.09 Sun. Wake up around 8plus?(Not very sure) Wash up and off to have breakfast. Then rush down to Grandma's hse. We are late. Our mothers got say that 三朵金花is late!!! (Cause all the daughters got the word "花" in their name) Then we play cards, slack around. Then decide to stay for another night while Yi Zhi go back to Singapore as he got lesson on the next day. Think Zi Jian is back with him. Stay for the night ... ... 21.09 Mon. Have a hair cut and wash hair in Malaysia. First time having ppl to wash for me. (TRUE, I swear) Cant stand cold water or ICE water. We have to use that water to bath. Real cooling if it is hot but I still cant stand it!!! Hahas. Then back, play cards and take bus home together with . Funny things that happen in the bus. When we are sitting in the bus... ... Yi Hong and Bro sit together while I sit with Yi Siong. Below Yi Hong and bro, there is a 尿布. It is a USED de. Hahas. We are all laughing like siao over it. Then something even more funny happen. The row 尿布 to the back and is under the leg of the lady. Or maybe I should say is thrown By Yi Hong !!! Haha. Darm funny!!! Next, when we are in the bus back to Kranji, My bro sit away from the 3 of us. We are @ the back row while he is sitting in front but facing us. We start to make funny faces whenever he look @ us. He keep laughing. And the lady siting in front of him but back facing us think he is . Then when we get down the bus, the lady kept looking @ Bro with strange eyelooks. Hahas. Sleeping early. Didn't have a good sleep for this 2 weeks. Will be going back to Malaysia in either this week or next week. Someone's wedding !!! SsinyiI Saturday, September 19 @ 11:01 AM
Blog before I go Malaysia.Yesterday: Friday. 18.09 Went Party World with Karen, Ahma and Huimin. I am very low and on "low" songs. HAHAHAS. EXCEPT for BARBIE !! Cause I am Ken. HAHAHS. Kk. Nid to rush back to MALAYSIA. Why do u have to rain in the early morning!? SsinyiI Thursday, September 17 @ 9:08 PM
Thur le. Finally. Friday tml. LAST DAY of exam tml for now. Finally can get a rest after prelim. Going to sing K tml,maybe. F&N the subject that used I my brain cells. Fat? Vitamins? Cerals? I am getting crazy. But life still have to go on ... ...SsinyiI Wednesday, September 16 @ 2:15 PM
You are not alone - Michael Jackson Another day has gone I'm still all alone How could this be You're not here with me You never said goodbye Someone tell me why Did you have to go And leave my world so cold Everyday I sit and ask myself How did love slip away Something whispers in my ear and says That you are not alone For I am here with you Though you're far away I am here to stay But you are not alone For I am here with you Though we're far apart You're always in my heart But you are not alone 'Lone, 'lone Why, 'lone Just the other night I thought I heard you cry Asking me to come And hold you in my arms I can hear your prayers Your burdens I will bear But first I need your hand Then forever can begin Everyday I sit and ask myself How did love slip away Something whispers in my ear and says That you are not alone For I am here with you Though you're far away I am here to stay For you are not alone For I am here with you Though we're far apart You're always in my heart For you are not alone Whisper three words and I'll come runnin' And girl you know that I'll be there I'll be there You are not alone For I am here with you Though you're far away I am here to stay For you are not alone For I am here with you Though we're far apart You're always in my heart For you are not alone For I am here with you Though you're far away I am here to stay For you are not alone For I am here with you Though we're far apart You're always in my heart For you are not alone. Tuesday, September 15 @ 10:56 PM
I still cannot get use on waking up early in the morning. I am so used to sleep late at night and sleeping thoughout the day. I am a officical OWL now. Now I am like sleeping late at night but waking early in the morning and sleep during afternoon. Now, I have to study late at night !!! Wonderful,right? Listening to songs, drinking Milo and study!? That the worst. The bed is beside me and I cant sleep!? How many of u are so like me !!!I am tired. !!! Cant wait for Weekend to come ... ... SsinyiI @ 1:25 PM
小鬼MV 过程 !!!超好笑!!!! @ 2:59 AM
Xiao Gui de MV 出来了!!!!! Monday, September 14 @ 10:57 PM
School start tml or u can say EXAM continue tml !!! Chiong chiong chiong on study!!! SsinyiI Saturday, September 12 @ 10:28 PM
Holiday ending soon!? My following weekend & Friday will be busy. But I like it ! HAHAHS. I like going to Malaysia. Time Plan: 18.09-20.09 - Malaysia, Grandpa 49th day. 25.09 - Uncle's birthday (Not sure going) 03.10 - Cousin's Wedding. SsinyiI Friday, September 11 @ 10:57 PM
Smile !! Everything will be fine. I really enjoy teasing my brother. HAHAS. Jelly!> I dunnoe why he dun like me teasing or saying 'Jelly' HAHAS.SsinyiI Thursday, September 10 @ 9:24 PM
Life as usual ... ... Simple life. Staying at home all the time rock!!! You must be thinking I am crazy. But I am 宅女 !!! Staying home, study, eat, sleep, use com or play with bro. Wonderful life. When I am old, I will surely find a place that is quiet and stay there with my pets. Hahas. Wonderful,right? I love it. HAHAS.P.S 简单的生活是我最想要的,也是我最需要的。 SsinyiI Wednesday, September 9 @ 10:58 PM
Blogging time again !!! Tuition today. Cut hair today. If Rachel saw this, she will ask I THOUGHT YOU CUT HAIR YESTERDAY !? Explaination: I did went out with Mum yesterday. But sudden change on plan. Shopping yesterday, Cut hair today!! Ok!?So tired today. Studying from 1 to 4 then bath then nap then tuition then revision for like 1h then watch tv then use com. Actually, I am kind of like this time plan!! Hahas. SsinyiI Tuesday, September 8 @ 11:24 PM
Start revision today. Chem. I finally know that Protons is equal to Electons. Hahas. I hope is not late. Hahas.What is Mothen state? Hope I didn't get the wrong spelling. SsinyiI @ 12:02 AM
Holiday can be both exciting and boring. Nothing better to do. Mum nag and tell me to study. Tried to study today but got in to another quarrel with Bro. Went off to sleep. Wake up and off to tuition. Kaining ask me if wanna go her house. Too lazy to leave hse. And cutting hair tml with Mum. Therefore, I am not sure if I going anot. Hehe. 七月的歌坛。如此的亮眼,繁华, 多姿多彩。 我十分容易就被歌坛吸引。也许很多人会认为七月歌坛是老人的娱乐,也是有些人会认为七月歌坛很吵。因此而不喜欢。 七月歌坛的歌手们所要诠释出的是人们在生活中会遇到的一些问题。我常常觉得歌手在跑台的时候不仅仅是为了捧场的观众,也是要为了那些大家看不到的“好兄弟”。 希望可以为他们做那么一点点。好了不说“好兄弟”了。 我坚信七月歌坛也许会没有以前来的多,但是一定还会有的。因为在已经变成了每年一度的盛事。 我期待明年的七月歌坛。 SsinyiI Sunday, September 6 @ 9:17 PM
Holiday !! Wonderful day ! Hahas. Getting random ! I will slack till tml. Hehe. But My bro still got school! Hehe.SsinyiI Friday, September 4 @ 11:08 PM
finally is holiday !!Finally can have some rest from the exam. But coming back on the following week!!!! My upper part of my back is aching. Dunnnoe why. Should I go and see the doctor!? My flu and cough is backed! I really hate flu to the core! SsinyiI Thursday, September 3 @ 9:30 PM
今天我梦到外公。 我梦到我在马来西亚的家。当我要去冲凉时,我进去时他在里面。就这样的看这我。我跑了出去。没有人相信我所说的话。我再进时又看到了。二舅母放了一桶水。我不敢再进去。 走出了厨房,经过外公的房间,他又在里面。他说:水很凉。我就马上跟妈妈说。把水换成温的。我吓哭了。一起来我就跟妈妈说。 但是我没有跟妈妈说,其实外婆也看到了外公。外婆在帮外公洗澡。 今天是外公去世一个月。03.09.09 SsinyiI Tuesday, September 1 @ 11:34 PM
I still prefer to have half a day studying in school. I think I can learn more and better. 我想是吧!!!Social Studies and Geography can kill a person!! HAHAS. SsinyiI |
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