Thursday, July 30 @ 9:26 PM
Wad a day !!! F&N. no say. Cant finish it. If she wanna it, Just take it. But will try my best to see if I can add anything in. Finally a day where I can sleep abit early and no nid to rush for homework. Days are getting lesser and lesser. Os is coming. This is bad!!! Enough of Os. Life still have to get on ... ... SsinyiI Wednesday, July 29 @ 11:14 PM
Tuition. Home taking 88. Xiao Qiang is here again. Dun understand why 88 have so many Coachroach!!!! This is the 4th time already. Specially the 1 level bus. I am scared the freak out of me. Being a anti-xiao qiang person, you can guess how I behave in the bus. I am screaming and watching out whrere the stupid thing is going. I like animal but for insect ... Maybe next time ... ... Home-ed. Trying to figure where are they hardly any INFORMATION about the STUPID PRAWNS !!!!!! Coagulation are getting on my nerves. I have to rest man.This has cause me to lose my sleep for a couple day. Sleeping after 11 can KILL me. I decide to try to stay awake as long as I can. I may just shut everything off and jump onto my bed @ anytime. I am not going to care even if That lady is going to shout on me !!! I just cant find any !!! But I did my best!! Casue is Os. P.s Is there anti-coachroach group in Facebook!? I dun mind joining that ... SsinyiI @ 11:04 PM
another nice mv!! love his voice. Fast, Fun, Sad. Whatever songs, he also can sing. Better than anyone. @ 10:56 PM
his voice again! @ 10:50 PM
His voice Best than anyone. Even better than Jiro I must say.But Jiro is improving. @ 10:47 PM
Cute song !! Like his voice Monday, July 27 @ 11:11 PM
Tonight will be a tough night. With little sleep. I think I just cant finish my topic 31. Very tired today. Pe, Night class. Chiong-ing F&N. Math too. Hope I cant. But my eye is already half close le. I think I will finish my F&N first ba. That for sure. Jia You.Eye hurt everytime when I over stress my eye. (Wearing spec now) SsinyiI Sunday, July 26 @ 9:55 PM
Done my room cleaning today. Tidy up all the papers of all subjects. My drawer are finally not full of papers for now. I have already make up my mind to clear my drawer for every sat/sun. Done up my homework too. TYS, Year by Year. Tuition not done yet. Will do tml. Hahah. Auidtion 2h on sat and sun. Weekday a NO NO. Someone log in my maple acc. Is my bro friend. *ANGRY* I dun like ppl to know my acc. She put in alot of pecious thingy and around 1M. Will ask her to take it out if not anyone would like to have it can have it. I will drop on free market. Hahahas. Do I sound EVIL to her? P.s Tidying your things. Sometime, You may find something that You thought You had lost it for long ... ... SsinyiI Saturday, July 25 @ 1:49 AM
Cool !!! X Japan. Surfing on the net and found videos about this band. Rocker! Thursday, July 23 @ 9:53 PM
School-ed alone. Almost miss the stop.Hahas.Went for the repair of Mp. He give me a new one again. Green one. I wanna a RED one !!!! Nvm. Hope can use. P.s Dun get the hope high up, when it fall, You will fall badly. SsinyiI. Wednesday, July 22 @ 10:35 PM
Another day of school.Today Mr Koh show us a video. Not really feeling good when watching that video. That video is about ppl sending their parents(elderly) to other country when they are sick and old. This make me think of grandpa again. How I wish I can go and vist him. Grandma decide to bring him back home instead of letting him continue to stay @ a so-called a place where will make him healthier. That so-called healthier does not give them food to eat!? What grandpa have been having this few days or this few months are MILK POWDER!? WtH? Grandma say maybe grandpa leaving because he only wanna to leave when he reach home. I dunnoe. Not bringing him back, he will stay there without food. Bring him back,I scared of the worst to worst thing to happen. I cant go back to vsit him. And Mum because of us not able to go back, she is also cant go back. Knowing her own father is in this state and Mum cant go back and take care of him. I really dunnoe what to do. How I wish the 1 week stay home thingy is not vaild anymore. So at least we can go back ... ... P.s I Hope he get better. SsinyiI. Tuesday, July 21 @ 9:52 PM
Something happen to my blogger. Anyway, not important.Mum called Grandma today. Grandma talk to me. Tell me to study hard. Dunnoe why. I suddenly just cannnot control my tears. Keep flowing down. Grandma suffer alot for this period of time. Watching her own husband, watching her husband and seeing him getting more and more weak everyday. Being a grandchild, I am not able to go in to see my grandpa.Because he is in Malaysia. All I can do is find out what happening in Malaysia from my mum. Mum call Grandma everyday. Hear the news of Grandpa getting more and more skinny each day. Who will know? How much I wanna to cry out loudly. Photos will be upload. Racial Harmony. SsinyiI Saturday, July 18 @ 10:16 PM
Hoho. Sat. Wake up @ late afternoon is the best. Wake up @ noon and ate a packet of chicken rice. Wonderful day. Rest. Do my F&N experiment with prawns. Brother and I ate up 8 prawns that consist of 4 methods. Hahas. Then do up my homeworks. I left my file in school. And my SS textbk !! WtHack. Shall stay up late tonight and Play audition.Dun ask me if I am in audi again. I am not sure.Jocelyn Yow. Ps . Nvr go lan with u. Cause my keyboard is back to normal. Hahas. SsinyiI. @ 12:19 AM
Last day of the 5 days studys. Finally. I able to get my sleep tonight. Sleep till late afternoon is very everyday wish. Hahas.Pizza Hut today again. McFlurry. Mango. Bread. Dinner. I think I had eaten too much for today... Tml shld not eat too much. Shall give breakfast a skip although is IMPORTANT. Lunch will be a bread and of cuz home-cooked dinner, healthier & nicer of all. Whahaha. P.s I am sleeping in my dream. SsinyiI (^(OO)^) Thursday, July 16 @ 10:08 PM
Mp spolit again ! Wonderful right !? Hehe. Anyway, that guy say he will help me to use his laptop to help me add songs. Hahas.Math tuition. Shld I have one more tuition !? Let wait for Amanda reply. Hahas. Tired. I shall sleep right after 11pm. Hahas SsinyiI. Wednesday, July 15 @ 10:12 PM
School-ed. Tired. Almost cant wake up in the morning. Tuition-ed.Finally get my mp back. Going to brust it with songs. If I have that much. Hahas. Something funny happen: At tpy, there is alway the cards promotion. There is this guy who went up the the lady and ask if she is willing to give it a try. He got a reject. And when the girl walk away and Amanda&I walk pass him, he is " I wanna to woo you!!" Amanda and I brust out laughing. He say it in the way of abit,fine VERY "pervet" way. Hahas. P.s I needs sleep. SsinyiI. Tuesday, July 14 @ 9:56 PM
I must say I get real "Hot-temper". Forgive me. Some of this stupid natural process going on really made me ... ... Feel stress up. I really nid to find a way to let all out. By doing some excerise? By eating? Which is better? Sleeping the best? Nothing to think, nothing to care.My name Tee Sin Yi. P.s Cyrstal is not my name anymore. Not even from the start. To end all this. SsinyiI. @ 9:34 PM
Nice vid. Monday, July 13 @ 10:58 PM
School-ed. Finally got the 2 period of P.E. Height & Weight. One increase, One decrease. (Positive) DodgeBall. Nice game. But hard time running. Lesson. Mr Tan come to our class. Some talking. J8 with Amanda, Rachel and Ryan. Later split up. Home-ed with Amanda. Tired day.Stomach ache as usual. Hope it dun get worse. SsinyiI.Crystal. Sunday, July 12 @ 10:15 PM
Darm funny ! whahahahahsa I laugh everytime I watch this. hahahas @ 9:02 PM
Not feeling well today. Keep wanna to sleep. And I slept the whole day. Real tired. Becuz of some natural process going on, I feel un-comfort. I hate this man but no choice.P.s Smile and Be Happy though this one week. SsinyiI. Saturday, July 11 @ 11:50 PM
Bring Bro to tuition. Decided to stay there and finish up my homework. Stay @ the block and finish my math homework. A lady come forward and sit together. She started to talk on the phone. Once she start talking, I am shocked. She keep saying bad words and like scolding someone. I think she thought I cant hear cuz I am listening to music. I am like Omg. Then 2 old uncle came and sit down. They start to play zhong guo qi. And they talk about their life. And they really take very long to move one move. Finally, is time to go and waited for my bro outside his tuition door le. Leave the uncles ... ... Hahas. Home and sleep till night then wake up.P.s I love sleeping (= SsinyiI.Crystal. Thursday, July 9 @ 9:56 PM
Home Sweet Home after a whole day of test !? 2 Math test. HAHAS. And lots of study brain cell die today. Whahahas. Went and pay my fee and wanting to get back my Mp. Not repaired yet. WTH !!! I still CANT take it BACK !? Something funny when paying for fee. The man roll his chair and make until the lady toe. All of us are laughing about it. But not more than a min, Amanda step my toe !! Ouch is all I could say.Home. Doing Poa and Phy during 10-11pm(Maybe) Amanda wanna me to do phy. SsinyiI.Crystal. Wednesday, July 8 @ 9:12 PM
Went for the first tuition. Didn't pay the fee. Some error with the person. Didn't manage to take back my Mp too. Some error witht he person. How unlucky am I? I wanna it back !? Tired today. Sleeping around 11pm.SsinyiI.Crystal Tuesday, July 7 @ 11:14 PM
School-ed. Oral exam. Oh man. Plastic Surgery. 2 reason on why. Reason on why I wont & I cant rmb le. Hahas. I think I am too nervous with the help of Tan Jia Mei. She keep saying that she is so NERVOUS, I think even Shi Ting also cant stand her. Hahas. Wait-ed for Amanda & Huimin to finish their oral. Went to buy some food and home. Slept/Have a nap. I think I really hurt my back badly. After waking up from the Nap, My back hurt even more. Hands too. I cant lift my both hand up. Ouch. Tank-如果我变成回忆 累了 照惯例努力清醒着 也照惯例想你了 好怕一放心睡了 心跳在梦中不听话的 就停止了 听着 呼吸像浪潮拍动着 越美丽越让我忐忑 我还能珍惜什么 如果我连自己的脉搏都难掌握 如果我变成回忆 退出了这场生命 留下你错愕哭泣我冰冷身体 拥抱不了你 想到我让深爱的你人海孤独旅行 我会恨自己如此狠心 如果我变成回忆 终于没那么幸运 没机会白着头发蹒跚牵着你 看晚霞落尽漫长时光总有一天你会伤心痊 若有人可以让他陪你 我不怪你 快乐 什么时候会结束呢 哪一刻是最后一刻 想把你紧紧抱着 可知你是我生命中的 最舍不得 如果我变成回忆 退出了这场生命 留下你错愕哭泣我冰冷身体 拥抱不了你 想到我让深爱的你人海孤独旅行 我会恨自己如此狠心 如果我变成回忆 终于没那么幸运 没机会白着头发蹒跚牵着你 看晚霞落尽漫长时光总有一天你会伤心痊 若有人可以让他陪你 我不怪你 如果我变成回忆 最怕我太不争气 顽固地赖在空气霸占你心里 每一寸缝隙 连累依然爱我的你痛苦承受失去 这样不公平请你尽力 把我忘记 Like this song very very much. The way he wrote the lyrics. He rock. Good talent. P.s Chinese A is flying away from me. Monday, July 6 @ 11:14 PM
Went to have a session of badminton and Gym wif JoSister & Xinyi. Hurt my back. Cant bend. Quite painful. And my left hand. Wonder why. I have to admit I am OLD ! hahas. How can I admit it !? Home-ed. Done up my work. POA. Can die. Trying-in-progress.*Left hand hurt more that my Back* Ouch * SsinyiI.Crystal. Sunday, July 5 @ 11:39 PM
Went out today with Alida and her Mum. Went to temple as usual. But the only different is that it is RAINING the whole day. Hahas. Mum is super good today. Hahas. Went to Bugis Street. She brought for me 2 shoe. Hahas. And silkygirl eyeshadow. But not the colour I really wanna. I wanna Ying Yan. Home-ed with lots of food ( I guess ) Have dinner with the family @ the living rm. Hahas. Nice day. Using com late @ night again.Going for badminton tml. A LONG LONG LONG time since I play badminton ... ... SsinyiI.Crystal. Friday, July 3 @ 11:26 PM
Last day of school for this week. 3 days holiday!? Finally. Week end. Can rest abit more. Homework ah. =_= Will be getting mp on wed. The day I start my tuition !! Finally can get it back. Will be asking ppl to send me song. Thank in advance! Please dun reject me. Hahas. (=Off to youtube. Bye. SsinyiI.Crystal. Thursday, July 2 @ 10:13 PM
School-ed. Home straight. Bro fren came. Slept till 8plus. How tired am I !? First week of school is going to be over. Next mon no school. Anyone wanna to go for a swim or something. Call me. Hahas.SsinyiI.Crystal. Wednesday, July 1 @ 10:02 PM
One class dun nid to go to school. Oh. My family seem so like nothing happen when I told them that. Amanda feel that too. Hahas. Got my Mp to repair. Dunnnoe when will get it back. Hope soon. Hahas.SsinyiI.Crystal. |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
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