Sunday, May 31 @ 9:53 PM
Sat.Went swimming with Amanda. I love SWIMMING. Plan to go like evey week !? I dun mind. Hahas. Will get a swimming suit asap,if possible. Mp spolit. Sun. Went out early in the morning. Mum make me get out of my bed. Tired. Study chinese. Fall asleep. Hahas. SsinyiI.Crystal. Saturday, May 30 @ 4:09 AM
Blog so late today. Out @ 7plus with Rachel for Jogging and 1 more reason. Than Rachel came my hse to play Bball. But I no Bball only got soccer ball and others. No thing better to do. Play run. Then around 11plus? Ryan came. Than slack till 2plus !!! Stay @ Bball court and play and talk. Then they send me home then both of them leave. Darm tired. Leg pain. But dun think sleeping tonight. Hahas.SsinyiI.Crystal. Thursday, May 28 @ 8:17 PM
Sleep early today. Not feeling well. Have a slight headache.SsinyiI.Crystal Wednesday, May 27 @ 11:29 PM
School-ed. Chinese whole day again !!! Pccg. Mr Koh look so sick. Anyway, tml cleaning. Darm tired.SsinyiI.Crystal. Tuesday, May 26 @ 10:31 PM
~BOWLING~4E1 Monday, May 25 @ 9:35 PM
School-ed. Home str after school. Zhong Zi for lunch and for Dinner.SsinyiI.Crystal. Sunday, May 24 @ 9:16 PM
Blog early today AS grandma need to sleep early.She making zhong zi tml. May need to go home early to helpout. Bye. SsinyiI.Crystal. Saturday, May 23 @ 10:56 PM
Sleeping is wad I do most for today. Sleep till 11plus. 1pm to 5plus I sleep again. Out @ night for like 3h downstair wif Alida and Bro. Back home and have some bonding session wif bro . Grandma is here for Zhong Zi. Dunnnoe when they are going to make it. Anyway, sleeping late tonight.SsinyiI.Crystal Friday, May 22 @ 10:28 PM
Photos !!! Own for long.Zheng Yong !!! @ 10:17 PM
Give school a miss today. It have been a long time since I slp till so late !! Wad a nice feeling. But went for badminton. Badminton training !? Ok. Not much feeling about that. A plan to take all sec 4 photos. But didn't join. Dun see a nid for me to be in it. Anyway, went to J8. Decide to use some $ to buy hammy a stick of nuts which is high in vitamins A,B,C and others. He love it. He eat that for like a few day and it will be gone. Watch tv and use com. I will slack till this sun. I really got a big punishment from my mid year le. I dun wanna see this from happening again. So I decided to STUDY @ least 2 subject each day. Will try not to go out so often. And I will go home str after school if nothing important.SsinyiI.Crystal. Thursday, May 21 @ 10:04 PM
School. Chinese start today. Start the day by doing 1 Chinese paper 2 !! Make me fall asleep lor. Hahas. I know I shld work on my Chinese. But really, I dun have the feeling of doing this on this particular week. This week start with so much fun and end wif doing Chinese Work !?Went running wif Jen, Bro and his friend. Run awhile only and back home cuz RAINING. If not I plan to run longer. Anyway, darm tired for this week. I dun noe why. May not be going school on the morning.BUT will go back for badminton. See first. If my mum ... ... Hahas. SsinyiI.Crystal Wednesday, May 20 @ 10:35 PM
Last day of Motivational Camp. Fun as usual. Videos and Games. Best Forever. Take photos. Will upload after get all. Mos with Rachel, Amanda and Tan Jia Mei. Then Home. Waited @ bus stop for like 45 min for Mum & Bro. Home, Bath and Use com and Sleep.SsinyiI.Crystal. Tuesday, May 19 @ 9:25 PM
I need Motivation !! After I got my result!!! I didn't pass alot of the subject. I am quite regret. Wad I got to say is that I am still not focusing myself for this round of exam. I already know I will not do up to my standard. Anyway,I think I really nid to pull up my sock. Long way to go.Motivation Camp. Fun as usual. Funny Video. Some acting of the coach, some darm ''shy'' thing happen to the coach. He forget to zip it. And he got smash by People. And some other lor. Hehe. I am a I/S. Quite true. Right-brained. I am a cap... ... (Dunnnoe how to spell). Some lame question from the camp. I cant rmb all. Q1) A woman give birth to 2 sons. They are on the same hour, same day, same year. But they are not twins!? Why !? Q2) A wife shoot the husband and place him under the water for like 10min and then hang him. After that, they went for dinner. Why !? Home-ed. I have not been sleeping early for like this 2 day even I say so. I MUST. I hope. Hahas. SsinyiI.Crystal. Monday, May 18 @ 9:23 PM
School. Have Motivational camp. Very fun. The coach is darm funny. He show us alot of funny video, say funny jokes. We also play games like untangle ourselves, building of card house? and running after for Foods !? Lucky he is not that type that are darm strict or darm board de. If not we will die from it man. End before the time. Went to Mos with Rachel and Amanda. Didn't eat with them. Brought the eye block !? I dunnnoe wad that call. I cant stand my Mum from coming during 3plus or late @ the night to iron my clothes. That make me cant SLEEP. Darm tired. Last night, she came in @ around 3 plus and finish iron @ around 4plus. I sleep around 1plus to 2. Then I was darm tired. Sleeping early if I didn't stay to watch shows again !! Hehe. SsinyiI.Crystal. Sunday, May 17 @ 11:12 PM
Darm Nice. I wanna that phone too. But I think I will never got to use that function. Hehe @ 8:37 PM
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Flower Four. I like the Jin Fan !! His smile really darm nice. My another idol !? MAYBE!? Nice show. Watch until ep 8 le. Will continue to watch in youtube and tv. Hehe. Grandma go le. She will be back @ around a few day before the day of making the zhong zi. Spend time today reading magainze and storybook. Sleeping and wadever. Hehe. SsinyiI.Crystal. Saturday, May 16 @ 7:41 PM
This is My 500th POST !! Is that alot !? Hahas.Bring my brother to Tuition. Saw this paper on the notice board. You can use $ to buy alot of thing but You cant buy certain things. You can use $ to buy a comfortable bed, but You Cant Buy a beautiful dream. You can use $ to buy High rank or position, but You Cant buy people's praise. You can use $ to buy people to accompany you but You Cant buy Friendship. You can use $ to buy a big cofin but You Cant buy Longer life. I cant remember the rest. Next time then Continue ... ...HAHAS. I made my own Mic. Hehe. Some crazy thoughts with brother. Hehe. Waiting to watch the F4. Hehe. (= SsinyiI.Crystal. @ 4:33 AM
Like this. Hardly listen to his song. But this really quite nice. Friday, May 15 @ 11:13 PM
Sleepy Day. School-ed with talks !!! Design and Early Childhood !? Which one is better !? I dunnoe. When home straight, Grandma is here. Went and buy certain ingredients needed for the Zhong Zi. But not doing today. Just buy it earlier. Home and Bath and Sleep. Darm tired. Wake up. Plan to use com till tml morning. I am going to use the com till TML MORNING. Until I drop dead. HeheGot back Chinese. Darm Ass. I got a B3 !? Because of my LISTENING !? First time in my life I FAIL Listening !? 8/20 !? Hehe. First time Sia. SsinyiI.Crystal. Thursday, May 14 @ 10:29 PM
Wad is OVER !? EXAM IS OVER !? F&N paper. Nuts!!! Getting so High when on Bus. HEHE. Wo ai Tai MeI hehe. Went have Sakae with Rachel and Amanda. Take photos and Eat darm full. I have already have my Breakfast for Friday. Hehe. Photos will be upload once Amanda send me. Hahas. SsinyiI.Crystal. Wednesday, May 13 @ 3:01 PM
![]() Decide to blog early. Back home real early today. F&N tml That mean it is the LAST PAPER !!! Whahahahahas. After that, where will I be @ !? I will be @ somewhere SHOUTING PLAYING. Hehe. Freedom !! I am COMING. Hahahas. Off to Pull Up my Sock for F&N le. Bye. Jia you, Everyone. LAST PAPER LE. SsinyiI.Crystal. Monday, May 11 @ 11:24 PM
Oh gosh ! I have not been concentrating my studies !!! Wad happening !?Went to Library and study with Jiamei. Then she leave @ 5.1opm. Then stay there till 6plus alone. Went around the library and search for books related to Drawing. I think I spend too much time on learning how to draw than studies. Read and Rmb some newton theory and Principle of Moment. Mum make Jelly. Red colour de !! My fav. Off to memorise more. SsinyiI.Crystal. Sunday, May 10 @ 11:39 PM
HAPPY MOTHER DAYto all mothers and SPECIALLY 2 LOH MOH HUAH. I LOVE YOU, MOTHER. My brother and I sing a song for my MOTHER. It is song by Wu Jian Hao. This song call Mama. This is the song: I will upload my brother and I singing. But we dun have good voice is only meant for easy rmb for me, brother and my mum. Went in to Malaysia. Celebrate Mother days. Leg darm pain after so long walking and shopping. I cant stand long time shopping especially with my dad. He can just look and walk around and look and walk around the same place without buying. He darm pro in shopping more pro than women in WINDOW-SHOPPING. Mummy told me alot of things. I found out that people in the world are so ~~ Some of my cousin and uncles and aunties are so NOT filial. Pay for hospital fee and take $ again from grandma. Keep quiet when know the fee. Wad is this man !? I may not have the ability now to help out in anything. I will not say that I am very pro in anything. But at least I will feel bad that I now cant even do anything to help !? I once thought that all of us are very happily together. I once thought no matter wad happen, everyone will be willing to fork out money or help out? No, that NOT the fact. Only certain people do that. Specially Da Yi&husband, Xiaoyi&Husband and some ... ... But wad are the rest of you doing. I not sure if u know that I post this. But plz if u are complaining to my mother or wadever or scolding me in my face, I wanna say is that are u really wad the person that I say!? If u scold me or wadever that mean YOU are guilty. Think it over youself. (IF YOU ARE GOING TO BLAME MY MUM FOR TELLING ME, think about it. Do you have anything for people to say bad about first) Let not this ruin my day. @ the end of the day, The health of my grandparent are the most top important matter. Just do wadever you can to help if you are still a human with HEART. P.S The world is full of different ppl and Ppl with MASK on every minutes. SsinyiI.Crystal. Friday, May 8 @ 9:05 PM
Friday. YEAH.Went eat Subway again. I love Subway. Went and play Bball with Ahma, Huimin and Naima. Then eat desert @ shunfu mart. Brought Prawn Noodles. Love it. But not better than Auntie cook de. Watch the 5.30pm show. Bao Lian dunnnoe wad de. ChunXiang. Then use com. Watch my Favourite Kang Xi Lai le. I watch it from Mon to Sat. Every ep. My everyday routine. Blog first. Will use com till late tonight. Exam is NOT over yet ... ... SsinyiI.Crystal. Thursday, May 7 @ 8:39 PM
Didn't blog yesterday. Crazy day. Chem and Social Studies cannnot be having @ the same day. I Hate it man. Hahas. Exam drive me crazy. More to come.SsinyiI.Crystal. Tuesday, May 5 @ 8:24 PM
GEO & MATH p1 Tml.Geo a big Subject. Finish reading all topic. But if I can rmb all of them is another matter. Trying to rmb them all in the shortest time. SS & Chem together. Worst of all. Going back to study le. Bye. Joke of the Day: Question: Why are there single ''feng'' de Carmel !? SsinyiI.Crystal. @ 12:02 AM
3 May.My hand got ''struck'' inside the door. My Middle finger will get very pain if press on. Ouch. Small Auntie's family came. I took care of the 3 children. Real Tired. Today. Baking day. Forgotten to bring Butter, Essence and Cornflakes. So many thing forgotten to bring. Luckily, Rachel ang got extra. Thank Lots. Went for Geo. Then went to eat with Amanda. Home. Slept awhile. Going to study @ midnight. SsinyiI.Crystal. Saturday, May 2 @ 11:51 PM
Wake up. Wash up and went to Seng Siong with Mum to buy things for my F&N. Saw Rachel's Mum there. So surpise. Not expect meet or saw anyone there. Hahas. Just nice, she is also looking for Rachel F&N things too. HAHAS. Helpout. She didn't get to buy the wholemeal flour which is not finded. I may nid it too. Went home and Try out the Salmon Patties. Change it into Tuna Patties as Salmon is not on sales too. Some crazy thought to change it into Tuna. Sleep awhile and Wake up and study Geo. Crazy Geo.SsinyiI.Crystal. @ 12:16 AM
Wake up @ 11am. Went library @ around 1plus. Then LIBRARY close. Went back and sms Joslyn if she wanna come downstair to study. Ask her and Ask Minhao. Stay @ downstair till 5plus and went home. Use com. Study late.SsinyiI.Crystal. |
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