Saturday, February 28 @ 11:15 PM
Boring in the morning. Wake up early and bath cuz @ first going library. But in the end all nvr go. Make me darm boring for the whole day. Haiz. Darm boring the whole day. Computer spolit. Still can use by nid use task manger to press for anything. Went out around @ 6plus ALONE. Check out pizza hut and went to pet shop for baby de bath sand. Then went library alone and read True Singapore Ghost Stories till 8plus. Went home and watch Ai Jiu Zai Yi Qi. Darm nice cuz got Mars. Not very in the right mood today.Ear pain. Think my second earhole going to have infection AGAIN. P.s Life is so boring... ... But THIS is Life. SsinyiI (= Friday, February 27 @ 10:19 PM
Computer spolit. But funny thing is I can still go internet but my com totally no destop and taskbar. OMG DE LOR.... Darm it. Xinyi cme my hse. Darm de lor... ... Reformat or wad... ... I also dun noe. Diao de lor. Wad can I do... ... My F&N.SsinyiI (= Thursday, February 26 @ 12:34 AM
Found this on youtube. Oh yar. Mars go Jiro go. @ 12:29 AM
Find the ep 1. Yeah. Save this forever. Wednesday, February 25 @ 11:18 PM
School-ed. Sleepy day. I think I slp alot today. Have F&N retest, then go Amanda's hse wif Kelly and left for childcare. Inteview the teacher. Only 1 teacher. Very diao right !? The caretaken go home le. So that mean we need go back again. Anyway, got quite angry wif some of the kids. HAHAS. Have science. Quite ok lor. Eat alot again... ... No comments. HAHAS. Brought 2 earring(long). Dunnnoe got chance wear anot. Lazy to wear them too. HAHAS. Buy for the sake of buying. HAHAS. Back homed. Help Hammy to change his cage and everything and also help guigui and xiaogui change their water. Feed them. Then bath and watch tv. And slping before 12(ihope)... ...SsinyiI (= Tuesday, February 24 @ 10:45 PM
School-ed. Badmnton-ed. Play for like the whole badminon session !? This called sec 4's life !? Anyway, my leg's nail drop out because I kic the stupid chopper. Quite pain but ok lor. I still can stand the p. HAHAS. Going Childcare tml. F&N test tml but jux cant study. Dun feel like. Allow me to slack today ba. HAHAS.SsinyiI (= Monday, February 23 @ 10:18 PM
Post early today !? Did I, not sure ... ... Got really tired when reach home. Went to library cca. Guai right !? Hardly go library. Anyway, I should try to get as much cca points !? Should I ? Anyway, wad I like about Library is CIP. I wanna go Bishan home, miss out that time wif my own class !? Nvm, it is over ~~~Went to find Ahma, Huimin, Xinyi and Jiejie. HAHAS. Anyway, went hm wif them together wif Amanada, Ahma, Huimin, Jiejie and Xinyi. HAHAS. Say sumthing funny in bus again... ... That is one of crazy thing in bus that we do. HAHAS. Who cars as long it is fun !!! !!!. HAHAHAS. feelingisgettingdownformebecuzofwho.butwhocare!?IwillgetoverthisIbelieve.PlzImustfacehimandnothide... Venus. (= Sunday, February 22 @ 11:06 PM
Wake up darm late today. 12plus ba. Mum cooked the tranditional noodles wif 2 eggs for me. Eat it, darm full. Watch show. Then slp around 2plus again till 7plus. Wake up, watch tv. Use com awhile.Omg. I forget got Math hw. Luckily, I now still remembered. If not, die tml. Heng. Must faster go do le. Finish then go to sleep. Aiyo, Why I forget !? SsinyiI.Venus. (= @ 11:05 PM
Saturday, February 21 @ 11:20 PM
![]() ![]() @ 11:03 PM
PSPS WRONG PIC. !!! GROUP PHOTOS hahas. Crazy girl (DUN INCLUD ME) Boys table 1... Boys table 2. Stop eating NICK. Is time to take photo !!! KING OF CARDS... Trying to act crazy.He is better wif this... Wake up this morning. Do up my COURSEWORK. Cant finish yesterday, cuz uncle nid his com for his wrk tml. Got com back this morning by my cousin. Thank. Do for the whole day. Night: WATCH show. AI JIU ZAI YI QI. By WANG DONG CHEN (MARS) YANG CHENG LING (MOMO) HU YU WEI (notsureyet.) darm nice de lor. OMG. He rozzzz HAHAS. I am getting crazy. I am VENUS. call me if u wanna . hahas. SsinyiI.Venus.(= @ 10:57 PM
NICE MV. whooooo @ 10:56 PM
darm nice show. I am VENUS. i LOVE mars. HAHAS Thursday, February 19 @ 11:03 PM
Date of birth: TODAY.19.02. same wif me. His eng name is given by Rachel,Amanda, Joslyn and Kelly. His chinese name is given by Huimin. HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! TO ME. Finally. HAHAS. Real Happy today. Thank for everything. Real nice man you guys. I got cheated early in the morning. I thought Tanjiamei de hamster is for other ppl de, but she tell me is for me. Quite shock !! But real thank. It is not cheap and I know. Putting it in my rm or living rm. When sleeping, it is in my rm. HAHAS. And recess, Amanda really bring the bee hoom. HAHAS. Thank you and ur auntie. Real much. After school go eat buffet. Real thank much for everyone who go today. And the treat. And all the present. HAHAS. And of cuz the cake. Thank you TIME !!! : Thank to... Amanda, Jiamei, Rachel, Kelly and Joslyn for the hamster and hamster de everything. (= Amanda for the foods !!! Xinyi and Jovin for the Boxing thingy..(PIG) Derrick for the snoring PIG. Zhengyi for the PIG cup. Linda and dunnoe who(I think) Puiyu or Brenda for the HAT. And Those who go to eat today. And everyone who say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me. HAHAS. Photos will be up soon. SsinyiI (= Wednesday, February 18 @ 8:57 PM
CHEM / PHY / F&N MAKING ME CRAZY ... ... Having some real tough thinking in my heart. Is the chem/phy or F&n making me crazy or wad? I always love my bdea. BuT I truly dunnoe wad the hell am I thinking. I am thinking the most loursy of the whole is tml. The most hate day is tml. Omg. Wad the hell is happening to me?Trying hard to get that thinking off my mind. But who can change me !? Will hate this day more or love this day !? I hate/love tml !? what the hell is happening to me ? what happening !? what happening !? what happening !? what happening !? what happening !? what happening !? what happening !? what happening !? what happening !? what happening !? what happening !? what happening !? what happening !? what happening !? what happening !? what happning!? what happening !? what happening !? what happening !? what happening !? what happening !? what happening !? what happening !? emo emo emo emo emo emo emo emo emo emo emo emo emo emo emo emo emo emo emo emo emo Headache. Cramp. Wad else more worst will happening !? Stress up wif all the hw. Surpise is not meant for me. SsinyiI :0 Tuesday, February 17 @ 10:28 PM
![]() ![]() School-ed. Eng lesson. Darm boring. Badminton play time. Wif Ahma, Derrick, Yi hao and wei Jun ba. HAHAS. Darm difficult to play wif uniform. HAHAS. Home-ed. Bath. Watch tv. Darm sad de lor. Watch the show ''Grandpa's Love''. Darm sad. I almost cry until no tears. SsinyiI (= @ 10:18 PM
Love this show. Watch in the Mio tv channel 50. I cry like siao. Monday, February 16 @ 10:02 PM
School-ed. Some unhappy thingy happen wif me and my friends. Conclusion later.Tournament. Last tournament.I now then understand that I really not a very gd frenz. Sometime, I think I really nid to think more for my Frenz. Maybe I accidently neglect ur feeling about some matters, I am real sorry. But think if not for this '' careless'' of her, I may nvr understand wad she was thinking inside. Sharing may not be best. But anyway, I believe after this matter, I am able to think more for my friends' feeling. To Kelly: Hope u are able to see. Maybe unhappy thingy have been happening to you. As friend, I dun really know wad to do. All I can do is that u can always find me for a talk or anything. I can be ur anger reciver. HAHAS. Anway, Jiayou. After the rain, Rainbow will come out. (= Smile. SsinyiI (= Sunday, February 15 @ 10:48 PM
Wake up. Tired. Sleeping early today. Slp before 11pm ba. Not very sure. Night went to downstair for some CC event again. Quite lame @ some time. HAHAS. Anyway, hai hao lor.Planning to go through this week silently cuz I believe no one care. SsinyiI (= @ 12:40 AM
Happy Valentine Day. Went to Yhope.Have Fun there. I Learn alot today. Have dinner @ Dobby.g Mrt. Have fun too. J8 @ arcade. The most fun of everything. Table Horkery ROX. I lose to WONG CHEE KUAN,TAY JINZHI and Dunnnoe who. Must win next time. Playground-ed, Game-ed, Truth or Dare-ed, Suassage-ed. Emo for the rest of the night. Today, Alida send me a sms. Something about Friendship.TRUE Friend Scold like ur Father, Nag like ur Mother, Irritate you like ur Brother and Tease you like ur Sister. I am wonder-ing DOES True Friend like happen in this world. I hope sooo. Trying to be. But sumtime I think, I jux overdo then wad Real family should do. Love also cannnot be force. Outer force is not needed for love. Forcing or even teasing will only cause u to be unwanted. Remember over-doing IS nvr gd. True Friend, I hope I can meet one and be one. X Friend: Sry for wadever I have done to make u unhappy. I know u do not see my blog but wad I can say is that a true sorry. Maybe I should not interfere wif ur matters, I know I am still not that close to u for doing anything. Forgive me, I should be the one firstly try to get the trust from you before I am even in the position to ''encourage'' anything. Sorry. Sumtime, I jux wish I can be more protective or self-cented or more evil so that I will not cry tht easily. Maybe if my skin can be more thicker like ppl who dun cry that easily. Looking so high @ all the time even when I am sad, that the only way to make myself not showing anything. Family AND Friends really can hurt me more that anything in the world. P.s Love cannot be force and Outer force is not needed. SsinyiI (= Friday, February 13 @ 9:58 PM
School-ed. Start school by give out Valentine sweets. Sry for those that I nvr give, I do not have enough sweets for everyone. Real Sorry. Anyway, I still wanna thank for those who give me choco and rose. Thank real much !! All of u have make my day wonderful.Badminton. Didn't play today. Be a ''life-man'' 4 like 3 rounds!? Oh yar. There is this vey pro girl, she is darm cool. But I think I get too high for the day. Anyway, for those who heard some rubbish coming out my mouth, I am sorry. That wad I will become when I am over-high, not that I like her or wad. Jux think that she is PRO and COOL. No one can be more cool then her. Asking her no. or email was like joke but anyway 1 more friend is better than 1 more enemy,right!? So dun get any wrong thinking. By the way, I am much ''STRAIGHT'' than any one of you... HAHAS. Out tml... SsinyiI (= @ 12:45 AM
![]() ![]() Finish packing and drawing the cards. PPL, WHO GT MY VALANTINE present, I am very psps. Gt it @ last min thus cant do much. Hands pain and cant draw much too. PSPS.... Tired. SsinyiI (= Wednesday, February 11 @ 10:18 PM
School-ed. Miss the chance to go to CIP wif my class.SAD. They must have been having real fun there. Tournament always take away my CIP. HAHAS. Is that fate !? LOSE. Is that fate too. I am sure I not having enough confidently on continue wif the game. Whr is my perseverance on my badminton !? Is it gone !? I hope not. Wish to make a change wif everything that I can do. But thing are jux not getting on my hand. I real hope things will not get real bad. If this life, I will continue to go for my best, until the day I really have no energy to live on. Friends and study, I juz cant seem to have a balance on it. I am lousy, I know.But I am trying, trying to be wad I wanna to be. It is hard but I will try.And I becoming. But @ the same time, I become more and more struggle wif many many other thingy. Mr Koh's fav sentence'' Life is nvr fair !? ''. I used to believe hard work do all but seem not for all.SsinyiI (= Tuesday, February 10 @ 11:42 PM
Yesterdy 09.02.Too tired tml. Cme home, bath, do hw and sleep !!!!!!!!!!! Some photos we take when waiting for Ahma's sister. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Today 10.02. School-ed. Eng after school. Help prefect. Then went to eat wif Cheekuan and Kelly. Then home-ed and meet Cheekuan @ J8. Go Vivo wif him. We both wear yellow tops and black bottom. HAHAS. Quite lame.We both dunnnoe how to go, but in the end get to the place we wanna go.He brought his prefect stuff and walk around. Home-ed fast. Tired. Brought newspaper home to read cuz saw some nice articles. Blog-ed. Sleep FAST. SsinyiI (= Sunday, February 8 @ 8:32 PM
Yay. Tired. Mouse not working. Cant play my fav game: BUBBLE SPINNER. :( Shld I get a MOUSE myself or Bro to pay!? He the 1 that anyhow mis-place the mouse, even if I am buying, I think I not going to buy expensive de. Anyway, He is going to make spolit AGAIN !!! Did some revise and do my hw. Tired, cuz too much brain cell is used up today. HAHAS. Sleeping early today....SsinyiI (= Saturday, February 7 @ 11:19 PM
Went to Dayi's hse in the morning @ Amk.They got 2 dog in the hse. They are darm cute de lor. Love ya. Meet Derrick @ 1.20pm @ Amk inter. Then back bishan. Go xinyi hse wif Ryan and Derrick. People going Xinyi's hse:Huimin, Yingying, Jovin, Derrick and Ryan and X. Play cards and Xinyi treat Kfc. Thanks.X leave first,then Derrick leave for his grandma party. Then Jovin and Ryan leave. Then Xinyi, Huimin, Yingying and me go eat ice-cream. Then go home le. Tired day...SsinyiI (= Friday, February 6 @ 10:22 PM
School-ed. Quite Okary. Math in Itrm1. Air-con. HAHAS.Miss Tan will not be in school for Mon & Tue. I only get 10 for that test. Must jiayou le. Wad the result for not studing for POA,5.2/12. Darm it. Getting real tired as days go by. I must not lose to sleepy-ness and tired-ness. Go on, Sinyi.Tournament. Up. Didn't win. Get lots of careless. Wonder when can I do better and how to improve. Train more,I think. CHIJ cry man because they lose the farfield(sry,ifspellwrongly). Very United, I say. After tournament, went eating wif Wanqin, Huimin, Yingying and Ahma. Saw Jinzhi and make to eat wif us. He feel ps to sit wif us as we are darm high. Hahas. Reach-ed home. Bath-ed, Watch-ed tv and then use com. Going Xinyi hse tml. HAHAS. But going Dayi hse first then go Xinyi's hse. Formal wearing tml. Omg.
@ Amanda hse. Yesterday de. Forget upload. HAHAS. Dun care us. SsinyiI (= Thursday, February 5 @ 11:29 PM
School-ed. Bring laptop to school Found the internet in school. Hahas. Then go Kfc wif Amanda, Kelly and Rachel. HAHAS. Amanda was again laughing like siao. Because of Kelly's oliy hand. HAHAS.Then go take spec together wif her. Then Rachel and I feel boring then she say can to her hse to help her for f&n.Then when Rachel was tearching Amanda. I am boing... ![]() i AM jux bring LAME. ![]() Rachel found out about me !!! ![]() Rachel getting crazy too.... ![]() Say Cheez. ![]() Omg. Amanda laughing again... Close yr ear... ![]() Let take a normal one, Amanda !!! ![]() Doraemon is OUT. Amanda maybe gone !!! ![]() Amanda getting sad... See her =) face. ![]() Her :( face. Cuz she is GONE. ![]() Let not care about Amanda and we take pic, right Rachel !? ![]() Rachel hugging Amanda. ![]() Rachel hugging. ![]() Here is me !! ![]() Let ring the bell and turn Amanda back. !! *RING RING* ![]() Here SHE is.... ![]() Dun wanna her. Regret turning her back. Help. ~ ![]() ![]() oH. Amanda butt. !! Shock.. Then we go back school to take SS textbook for the test tml.. Must pass. HAHAS. SsinyiI (= |
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