Thursday, October 30 @ 10:41 PM
Kelly come to my hse today.AGAIN. She must have been FATTER. Cause my mum cook alot of foods. It is not good foods but it is still can be eat, if u dun mind homecooked foods. Hahas. Then we watch funny vids together and watch television show. Funny right, kelly!? hahasTml going for the halloween party. Dunnoe wad to wear. Funny. HAHAS. SsinyiI (= Tuesday, October 28 @ 10:45 PM
Went to mac during the break. Have Happy Meal wif a toy. Then have class again. Many of them are back. =( Wendy ask us to stay back for tok tok. Becuz Jiamei & Rachel & Amanda the final throw of the string sweet.Hahas. Higher Chinese is cancel. Went to watch High School Musical 3. Quite Nice. About end of high school. Song nice too. Then walk around Amk Hub. Then went to Amanda hse. But before i go to Amanda hse, my mum called me & say that my bro disappeared. Then Rachel & me went back to my hse. Then suddenly my bro come home. Very angry. Scold abit. My mum surely got cane him. Then i come home also gt scold him somemore. Very angry. 4.30pm end tuition 6+ also haven come home. I never say he cannot go out play but at least u come home and tell mum before u go play, right? Nver even call or tell my mum and he run away from hse. Scold him until he cry. No choice. He is getting from bad to worst. Hahas. This is sister.SsinyiI (= Monday, October 27 @ 10:04 PM
Wake up late. Eat, use com and watch tv. Have fun today wif my family. 叮当神探 last ep. So sad. The yu jie is dead. But the xiao zhu and daxiong is together. The score is 909(i think) Nice show. The Fav line is " member? " Class tml. geo phy and ss. SsinyiI (= Sunday, October 26 @ 11:44 PM
Wake quite late today. 12+. Eat my lunch then go to seng siong wif my mum. We went there to buy ingredients for the steamboat. After I reach home, I have been eating, drinking and watching televsion for the whole afteroon. Then around 6+, I go and take a nap until 7+. Wake up, help to prepare the steamboat. This the first time i having steamboat in my family as in my own family. So i am like quite high. I watch the high school musical 2 & the singapore award( not sure the name ). Feilunhai did not get any award but yoga, 蕭敬騰 and 陈奕迅 get quite a no. of prize. Love them( their song). 2 fav song of 陈奕迅 that i like. ( quite old le.): 你的背包;十年.1 song that i like from yoga: 伯樂. 收藏, 王子的新衣, 原諒我 & (wif 張惠妹) 一眼瞬間. And 五月天. I like 五月天's songs. There is like so many of them. But the most fav is 離開地球表面. This is really high. Hahas. Music really make ppl high. Tml no school. No planning to out. Family day. Dad got plan le. Malaysia(1 day plan)(maybe) or go other places.... Wondering. Higher Chinese is coming. 5/11 worry. JiaYou Sinyi. Start to work hard now. No. Nid to wait till I get my file back from gu lao shi. SsinyiI (= @ 12:44 AM
Meet Kelly in Amk Mrt. Take 162... So many elderly cuz guang ming sha got event. Thus alot elderly. The bus stopped @ the bus stop @ guang ming sha for like more than 5 minl.Then after Kelly collect her dress, we went to Someset. When we are @ someset, we saw Koh Chin Heng onthe way.Real sad. Then meet Yicong they all @ Long John Silver. Then we went to church. Have lots of fun there. Hahas. Sing and pray. Fun is always @ church. Then went to Amanda hse. When I reach there, Amanda ask me not to go up. Then she make me went all the way back to J8 to collect her cake. I am like darm hungry cuz i didn't eat from morning 9+ to like 6+ or 7+. Never mind. And we meet 1 gay when Amanda getting her lens. Then went up to her hse. Have fun. The cousin( i think) is really very funny. Hahas. Then we cut cake and play. Then i come home. My mother and my bro won a steamboat thingy. So tml we are going to have steamboat. Yeah. Really like steamboat. Photo will be upload soon.After Amanda send me. Hahas. SsinyiI (= Friday, October 24 @ 11:24 PM
Headstart start le. My eng.cher. is Mrs wong.l.f Her lesson really can sleep, but no choice must study hard le. Listen in all class is the most important thing that i should learn now. I hardly listen during english class when is mr lim. Buck up in my eng. Then chem. Chem is still Miss Chew teaching us. We learn about the mole. Hahas. Kaining say that there a mole on her forehead. Then i am like laughing. Sorry. Hahas. Then is math. Math learn about mean, mode and median. Can remember abit only. Then went out to eat chicken rice wif the chinese class. And went back school to have my chinese lesson. Wrote a compo. And rush down to meet Amanda & Jiamei. Went to find Rachel & Kelly. Then went Amanda hse. Then come home. Felt really tired. Maybe because i slept very late yesterday night.Hahas.Going to church tml. Then amanda birthday tml. Waiting for 12am to tag her blog. Happy birthday Amanda. Hahas. SsinyiI (= Tuesday, October 21 @ 10:10 PM
Cant sleep for the whole night. The earthworm or wadever it is in the soil is making my blood boil. I sleep around 4+. Jux cant sleep with the sound going on under the soil...So boring in school. As in kelly is not in school today. HAHAS. Her new name Kelraffe. Mine is PigSin. HAHAS. jux being lame. After school, went to KFC & MAC wif huimin and Joce. We went there to tok about the camp stuff. Most of the thing is done. Hahas. I will bring my thumbdrive to Mr tan tml. Hope i can sleep in peace today.( i mean sleeping not dieing) SsinyiI (= Monday, October 20 @ 10:32 PM
Went to Wild Wild Wet wif Amanda, Kelly, CheeKuan & Jingzhi. @ first the weather is not very good. but in the end sunshine come out. Hahas. We are all feeling very cold in the bus. Cuz is raining outside. We play pocker card. Then chat lor. Reach there. We all went down to the water... Hahas. Kelly & me, Jingzhi & Cheekuan sit the U-shaped. Then the Cheekuan dun dare to sit anymore. So funny. Then we sit the sky ride de. So scary. Hahas. Then w sit the family ride. Kelly shout alot & me. Hahas. Then we also got sit the purple colour ride. It is all dark when u are in it. All of us can hear Amanda shouting when she come down. Then we are telling each other that that person must be Amanda. Hahas. Then when reaching the ending, we hear Amanda;s continurous shouting. AHH~~AHH~~. The ang-moh beisde us are also laughing. Hahas. So funny. For the yellow colour ride, i struck there. I am like trying to move and push myself. Then the person-in-charge say i lousy that why i struck... NVM. hahas. Then we all wear the lifeguard. Hahas. We all can float. The first time i dare to go to the 180m. YEAH. Hahas.Later we change then go to eat. We all feel real hungry.Hahas. Then go home. So tired today. Hahas but fun. SsinyiI (= Friday, October 17 @ 11:05 PM
PHOTO UPLOADS..... ( EAST COAST)![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Went to Amanda hse. Upload the game. Have fun wif the bro. The bro darm cute. I am like learning drums from him. Then i call him " BOY BOY" Hahas. I am the only 1 that call him that. Hahas. Then we did alot crazy things wif him. BOY BOY... Hahas. Then went home. Upload all the pic. IT is jux some random pic that can be shown. Hahas. Anyway only thoese. HAHAS. SsinyiI (= Thursday, October 16 @ 11:16 PM
Went to Kelly's hse today. Hahas. Her dad is darm cute de lor. Hahas. Then Amanda & I are like trying to look at Kelly's Thingy. Hahas. Anyway Kelly get well soon.Then on the way home, Amanda find out that Her Mum is taking the same Mrt with us. Hahas. Then we stop & get down the Mrt at Yishan. Then we take the next Mrt. Hahas. Anyway, Her mum did not find out.( I guess) Wad is done CANNOT be undone. Hahas. Exam 60% marks. I got alot of D7. I am like sad & worry. But so... Wad can i do!? Never mind. I now finally learnt 4r my mistake. Work hard is the only way. You reap wad u sow. SsinyiI (= Wednesday, October 15 @ 1:28 AM
Tuesday, October 14 @ 9:51 PM
Stay @ home for the whole day. Darm darm darm boring. Hahas. Sit in front of the television for like whole day. Hahas. And also i sleep the whole day. Going to sleep late today if i can... Hahas.SsinyiI (= Monday, October 13 @ 10:34 PM
Went back to sch...Laughing all day long. During F& funny. Hahas. We did alot of funny things... Then after sch, Rachel, Kelly and me went to Amanda's hse. Then we did alot of crazy thing @ her hse. Then they all come my hse for dinner. Then we went down to wait for bus together wif Amanda. Rachel de mum come to fetch her. Then Kelly and I went back to my hse. Then Kelly parent also coming le. Then she went down and go home le... Hahas. We have alot of fun today, and we take alot of pic-es and vid-es. Specially Amanda and Kelly have a great time daning!? Hahas... SsinyiI (= Sunday, October 12 @ 10:50 PM
Went out with parent to amk to eat. then went back home. Then at night dad,bro and me went to bishan to take a look at what type of hp i should buy. I wondering what type of handphones i will get at the end. Never mind. Hac care. The most thing is someone birthday.Before i wanna blog, i tell my bro that i wanna to blog. Then he dun wanna. Then i say "YOU SELFISH". Then he say " YAR, I SELL FISH...!WANNA BUY SOME FISH? " -_-!!! i am like diao there. My bro is as lame as ME. SsinyiI (= @ 12:05 AM
Sleeping is the newest activity for me @ home. I sleep for... more than 6hr? Then I never use the com cuz my bro is chiong-ing his maple sea.Thus i did not use. Now then use. midnight. EAT , SLACK. Never go out. Yar, my sun burn getting better. Now the skin come out le. Anyway, i dun care. Slack lor, watch tv. Then nothing le. Exam marks coming out le. Wonder wad going to happen to me?! Sleeping soon... SsinyiI (= Thursday, October 9 @ 11:36 PM
Went to East Coast Park after exam. THIS MEAN EXAM IS NOW END FINISH. WHAT EVER U CALLING IT. TO ME....FUN IS COMING. So many event to do. WHOOOO.Went to there. RENT THE BICYCLE. CYCLE AROUND. Jiamei and Amanda 1 bike, the rest 1 person 1 bike. TAN JIA =MEI, you are so strong. Hahas. Then of cuz we got fall. BUT i did not. Hahas. riding for like 2h+. LOTS OF FUN IS HAPPENING. Then we all jump into the SEA. whoo i now finally know how salty is the SEAWATER. And we do crazy thing in the sea. Like taking out clothes?? NOT ME... (i dun dare) and we playing with the waves. BIG WAVES...Hahas. And we take alot of photos.OF DIFFERENT STYLE PATTERN.HAHAS. And of cuz we talk about alot of thing.ABOUT everything. Hahas. photo will wait for kelly.CUZ ALL IN HER CAM. I think i will a hard time uploading.... I got my whole face red. I got sun burn on my face. kelly on her leg. I think mostly on their leg but i on face. strange. I cant laugh will pain.I now must stay in no-face-expression until my sun burn is overrrr... Although face pain pain, but it will be a mermoies that cannnot be forget by anyone of us. Haha, Sound mushy. SsinyiI Wednesday, October 8 @ 3:16 PM
@ 3:15 PM
Tuesday, October 7 @ 12:06 AM
Have MATH & ENG paper. No comment. Play psp after school. Went to eat with rachel and amanda.Then come home study. CHEM TML. THUR GOING OUT TO MESS UP!!! exam will be over sooon....SsinyiI (= Monday, October 6 @ 10:01 PM
love it Sunday, October 5 @ 11:00 PM
SOME PET ROCKET PIC.verylongago.Got a prepaid card. My new no. YEAH. Finally at least can call ppl or ppl can find me le. But wonder when can buy a new hp.My dad say after exam.1 more week.Hahas. Study Math.Eng never study cuz nothing to study.Hahas. Watch SUPERBAND. Actually all 4 team is the best man. I like all of them.Haiz But only 1 can be the winner.Anyway gratz. FRIDAY is the BEST I THINK. Love them...HAHAS.They are my new idol...... SsinyiI (= Friday, October 3 @ 11:04 PM
EXAM... still got like 4 days? How am i going to go through 4 days??THURDAY. Went to eat breakfast wif amanda jiamei and rachel. Went back to school wif them, to find mr koh,even though i dun nid. Find mr koh.He went home and we stay in the library do some works. okok, i did nothing, but i got listen to what mr koh say. Play jiamei psp. First time. From D- to B. YEAH. hahas. I know is nothing for the pro.psps. Then jiamei and rachel run in the library.Then amanda laugh.I dunnoe who keep make us laugh. but is real funny.anyway it jux a joke.Hahas. Then leave sch. Went to amanda hse. Cook food.Eat. Study.Then we hear some sound.I went to the doorhole to take a look. Then i find this guy standing outside, then he sit down.He wave to the air and say come back. It is darm scary.Then he do some crazy stuff outside the hse. It is already 7+.We wait until 8+.He is still there. We call some ppl and ask what we should do. We call kaifeng derrick jiamei rachel ryan. Cause amanda wanna find out if we should call police. Kaifeng say go out and hit the person. Derrick say go out and ask the person to go away.The rest i think say call police. HAHAS. Then the person go away le. Then we call kaifeng to come. And we pei amanda for awhile. While pei-ing amanda, we chat. And kaifeng keep saying scary thing and amanda cry abit. But she laugh in the end. Hahas. Then we leave.Amanda say he come back again. But the parent come home le. Today. POA and Geo. POA cant balance.OMG. IT IS OVER.NEVER MIND. work hard for the coming one.!!!!!!!!!!! SsinyiI (= |
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