Saturday, April 12 @ 4:15 PM
A long time ever seen i post. today is 12/04. i am waiting for amanda to finish her tuition i come to the library... first thingy to do for today BLOGGGGG!! i truly MISS blogging. How long have i NOT change my blogskins? haiz all becuz of my stupid com SPOLIT actually is becuz of WHY am i wanna to set a ps for my com???? haiz enough of all this stupid rubbish!! wonder when can get it repair. my family member included ME have totally NO time to bring it to repair maybe have too lazy! HAHASYESTERDAY is COMMENDATION DAY... i went home first with tricia then we go to amanda hse there to have a quite quick lunch ba... maybe those who live there will noe this shop by the name of CRAZY ANG MO... that ang mo will very good!!! if you wonder about the name of crazy ang mo i can tell you AT american(maybe), the place where the shop owner the ang mo stay have a habit. every morning they wake up after all the wash up they will go downstair and shout GOOD MORNING. and when this ang mo come to singapore he went downstair and shout GOOD MORNING to the aunties and uncles.... tha aunties and uncles said SIAO ANG MO... this ang mo was very curious about what those SIAO means. so he ask a boy. the boy toldhim that that mean crazy. so later, he wanna to open this shop. and he remember this so he decide to call his shop CRAZY ANG MO...! this is how the name come by. hahas we went to tricia hse after that. later when we reach the sch not far i saw hanlong. he is having the pose that was quite funny! hahas i tolf him about that.... his face not looking good when i ask him what he is doing there. he said waiting for friend. then i said your friend must be late. hahas and he said yes. hahas see his face already can see. hahas so black.!! later i went in together !! i saw the prefect. they are all on their 'fighting uniform' hahas! it is so nice!! hahas i went and take photo... with huimin the only one that dun mind taking photo with their uniform.! hahas! is still in my phone.! hahas later i went down to meet tricia! we saw xiner so we follow them to the toliet and talk talk talk.! later we went to the hall.! and we saw jen and kaining. i play with their walky doogie hahas! and talk using it. later is time for everyone to sit down.! and our most 'handsome' MR GOH come in.... everyone claps and cheering. about his tie!! hahas everyone is so busy talking about his wondeful suit that he wear. commendation start le...during the commendation i stomach pain maybe i eat somethingy wrong ba. i went to the toliet. hahas! i am the only one hahas.! and when i come back the P finally have her speech finish... right after her speech is the VIP giving his speech! jonathan seagull!!! AND next is speech by the last year top student by our sch.!! and next prize giving. help hanlong take photo but fail! sorry! after everything is time to take photo. we take photo with alot of the teacher. photo will be upload soon! hahas if everything can.. hahas later we go home... hahas!! actually alot of thingy happen for this year. a new start of me.... for everythingy!! i kind of love this year.. hahas noe more friends specially amanda and joslyn! i will find more time to blog but maybe not now. exam coming soon le.. i will become more busy and busy!!! SsinyiI |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
Random girl from random street.
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