Monday, December 31 @ 5:23 PM
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!TODAY IS 31!! TML IS A NEW YEAR!!! my new year wish&goal::::: 1)good result 2)silm down OUTofHAC 3)beAbetterPERSON!... today i will write my blog quite earily! hahas! cuz later at night i going AMk cuz my aunt tell me that today got count down so she bringing me !! whoo! i going out tonight hahas! and i will like reach home quite late.! hahas! ![]() at acade! ![]() this 2 photo upload more le we take very little that day! hahas! i will tok more about the countdown later! post at 5.31pm and i wanna add 2 show into my fav show list 1)goong 2)goongS 3)zhongjiyiban 4)zhongjiyijia 5)zhuojiaoyudaoai 6)smilepasta 7)itstartedwithakiss 8)theykissagain 9)xunyicai 10)greenforestmyhome tobeCONTINUE.... Saturday, December 29 @ 9:45 PM
![]() HAPPY birthday MY BROTHER TodayISmyBROTHERdeBIRTHDAY! but u noe wad?he wake darm late man! so angry i wanna celebrate with him he go slp until 12+!! haiz i present give him le...ICE-CREAM hahas he wanna de!! first said i not dun wanna give him better de but he said he wanna that!:) actually everytime his birthday i will noe that is end of holiday soon! and i haven finish my HOMEWORK!!!! hahas! but i still will celebrate with him! and he FINALLY wake up and u noe the first time he ask me is wad? MAY I USE THE COM!!! omg i faint man! BIRTHDAY! HAHAS! he can ask me whether he can use com anot? hahas! fine give him use !! hahas! :) and this go on! and hahas! i watch my fav GREEN FOREST MY HOME!! and got a few lines i like it man!... I am walking to the DARK.Who will save me.Who will carry me out of here? It feel like my heart is been torn into piece. In this world u can give away anything BUT not LOVE... LOVE this few lines! i did not write down HERE all of those jux this 3 lines HAHAS! ... i am going to watch show until very late tonight until 12 past... after my bro birthday! hahas! SsinyiI Thursday, December 27 @ 3:42 PM
start with ...22/12/07 i have a party ... downstair de christmas party...the party same same lor...nothing special and have a great tok with alida.. hahas =) about funny tok! hahas! luo zhi xing cutting her hands hahas! a dream! whoo! and i get a ballroon sword.! hahas! 25/12/07 CHRISTMAS !!!!!!!!!! i went out with ah ma and humin! darm nice nice day! whoo!! hahas! first we meet lor...ah ma give me a key and lock de neckacle! love it man! i wanna a neckacle for long but i noe is ex HERE I WANNA SAID A big THANKYOU to ah ma...and i buy a like soft toy de but can put hp de for ah ma...and i got huimin a yyl poster and she treat me at aracde! hahas! tell u the acaade the racig car really got 2 round make me so ... SIAO!..hahas! the expect and the dunnoe wad...but i did not use auto... hahas! i love it ... i prefer man de NOW..hahas!... when i reach home i slp until 9 something! NOE WHY!? CUZ MY bro dun wanna let me use COM!! so i nothing to do so i SLEEP hahas! and wake up! drink the apple wine! NICE MAN! hahas! 27/12/07 today mmm... nothing happen! good day use com and do my LOVELY hw! hahas!! SsinyiI Friday, December 21 @ 9:31 PM
today wake up mmmm quite early! hahas!!do some hw... play alot game.... watch youtube lor.. tml will be a busy day!! my timetable:: 1) go to macket with my MAMA and my BROTHER... (i) buy thingy nid for tml dumpiling day!! love it... 2)ROLL it.. 3)EAT IT.. 4)bath 5)ready to christmas!!(downstair de..) my timetable for tml! love it... hahas busy day!! i am coming SsinyiI Wednesday, December 19 @ 11:33 PM
let me start with the day before i go to malaysa!!15/12/2007 at night around 7 something i meet huimin!! AND she is LATE!! cuz too many ppl that day! hahas! but really alot man! after that we shopp i mean ONLY huimin shop only! i pei her help her take thingy lor. and later OHxinyi came! WHOO hello!=) and we go and shop and eat wonderful night! and i never buy wad i MUST buy! earring! wedding no earring wear! gonna scolding by mother said go out also never buy anythingy come home! dun care! whaha! annd next day!.. 16/12/2007 at aound quite early! i have been wake up by my mother my bro pei me slp! so we are both trying to beg my mother let us slp more.. whahaha!! and wake up! eat bath then wait! my papa go to J8 first cuz he wanna to buy 4D! my papa alway do that last minutes bet! hahas! and so my mother call 5th auntie! tell her we at J8 le. and my papa buy bread lor... and when we reach krangi(dunnoe how to spell) psps.! my whole family scared let auntie wait..but we reach first so manY mrt PASSS-ED and she haven reach and FINALLY! HERE SHE COME!! hahas! and we quite fast quite slow make our way to woodland checkpoint!! ~ and sit bus for like 3hr?BUT HOR... DARM i did not said i wanna go the dunnnoe wad hell place! I NEVER i SWEAR XD but the person said i did! PUI! dun care lah! and we reach!call 6th auntie and fetch us and i am the BIGGEST size de so i sit the front seat! i like it the only nice thingy about bigger size than other! hahas! and we reach gor gor NEW hse! darm nice and big! whoo! nicer then last time! and later we the children dunnoe where to go maybe i should said this we the TEENAGE dunnoe go where? hahas! except my bro and the zien all teeange! whahaha!and later wait and change clothes darm funny lor whahaha! all i dunnnoe de alot i dunnnoe de and walking beside me around me! whaha! in ONE rm all ladies and maybe some BOI is trying to make themselves more pretty and shuai! hahas!so that rm is out of bound! hahas! and finally i saw the gor gor having wedding today! whoo !hello! he is busy! the couple dye their air with golden! NICE move~ whoo! and they rush to the sch! IF U DUNNOE the weddng in malaysia can be held in the SCHOOL!tyty! and i reach there too on the way! whahas ! and we reach and i am going to sit with someone i dun like! hahas! dun feel like saying hahas! and my gor gor invite singer darm funny the guy singer sing and dance hahas!=) and got one guy like drunnk le! and like wanna kiss the singer darm funny! hahas! high man! everythingy is nice but i am sitting with someone i dun like! dun care .... after the wedding we went to my grandma hse... we all slp upstair !! but i really slp very PSP...hahas! and my bro got a new nickname!! IKAN BILIS!!! hahas! but yisiong they all really slp darm late i am darm tired but they all still dun wannna to slp if m mother never come up! hahas! and psps auntie i kick u! psps... i am jux to habit of slping alone! hahas!! nextday... we went and go home lor..taking bus..and the funny thingy iis we have eaten durian before we set off ... so when we take bus keep on got the smelly durian smell! omg faint but NOT me..hahas! hac care... and there a what the hell uncle!! i did NOT push U... today! i went and see enchannted! NICE MAN! WATCH yourself i will not said anythingy about the movie whaha! SsinyiI Wednesday, December 12 @ 11:22 PM
today!i finally buy something to wear with the help of YINGx2 & JOCELYN.. THANK YOU! today darm nice train not so hard today! hahas! 5 PPL only! hahas! so tired! i wanna slp le! BOO! SsinyiI Monday, December 10 @ 11:04 PM
whoo!GOT a new bag! which i hope to have very long le! training! whoo! okok lor today play quite alot lah! =) nothing to said much! coz no much happen! headache at night! so went to slp early! SsinyiI Friday, December 7 @ 11:58 PM
WHOO~~today no training! today i wake and my whole body is like darm PAIN! and if i walk long i will be like even more PAIN sia!! hahas! and go tricia hse and take earpiece! finally got earpiece! i watching ai qing mo fa shi with JOCELYN YOW! hahas online chat and watch! HOW nice is HUIMIN also online! hahas! i wanna go watch le! dun wanna post ! today also nothing to do! and NOTHING bad happen! oh ya! today i wanna take lift and the lift is like the light blink blink! so scary! hahas! as i said yesterday my hse got that thingy!! so i dun dare take the lift and when the lift come down again... i wonder if i wanna run home and ask my mother pei me down! but hor the lift inside got ppl de so i get in! luckly got ppl if i not i shout! hahas! =) SsinyiI Thursday, December 6 @ 11:14 PM
whoo! training last day for this week OK! hahas! today really hor. our training hor.... nice nice !hahas! bleah! XD i also dunnoe said wad. my bother leg is like totally PAIN! AND My RIGHT hand! i canno even pour water into my water bottle! hahas! so ! still shake! dunnoe wad to said but i LIKE it. hahas !hard training! whoo! improve today our hall is like suddenly BLACKOUT whoo! playing badminton in the dark! whoo! hahas!today have a great chat with huimin and ah ma! we are darm hungry after the training today! monday also not so hungry! hahas! thur the last day OF THIS WEEK is the most hungry de! chicken rice! we smell the smell! hahas! =) and we canno wait to go to the thosam plaza SO we have our lunch at the hawker centrel near our sch the BBT there lor. hahas! the chicken rice darm nice BUT the uncle give more meat to HUIMIN ! NVM! HAHAS !I am trying to silm down! but i think hor i will have a long way! but i will like JIAyou!HAHAS! come home bath and use com lor and do nothing i today must slp earlier! coz i am SCARED! YESTERDAY night i dream about like i am like tied uP AND I wanna wake up canno wake up! u noe the feeling like u are force to slp not able to wake up! i am darm scared! and i try very very hard and finally i wake up! when i wake i am full of sweat EVEN my fan is like right in front of me blowing me and when i wake up i even feel cold with the large wind blowing me! but i dunnoe why i sweat like HELL! is darm darm darm scaring! and to be true! my block and the block right behind me block got ppl DIE! SO!! 2 ppl! and my block de hor is like. I NOE HER! if i am not wrong! i noe the grandson! i also dunnoe lah! then i am like OMG! what the hell is happening to me !!! I that time go sch also got ppl DIE now my hse here also have! why is like this type of thingy is happening?nowaday alot this thingy happening... scared me man! now also not 7th month! dun tok about it le lah! tml maybe i going pei my mother to macket pei her go and also i think i better walk more so my leg and hand will get better! hahas! but everytime in the morning and afteroon i will be ok de BUT at night like lao ren! will pain at night! i canno even POUR water! canno think if gor gor wedding i will be like the special one! hahas! cuz i will not be able to run here run there! XD everyone wear so nice and show their nice clothing i will like siting at one place all by myself! fine i will EAT and EAT hahas! XD and dun care the elder! hahas! they will chat and chat! i need my earpiece badly! i LOVE music! whoo! music rozzz my world the yue ya wan of f.i.r is quite nice sia and the wad 3 wish de song !hahas! and s.h.e de one more song forget the name le! the movie thingy i dunnoe which day week is a totally busy week for me man! haiz! SsinyiI Wednesday, December 5 @ 11:06 PM
training third DAY! whoo! hahas!=) my right side of MY body is totally PAIn! hahas! =) and today in training we do 'dancing' haha! and today we see her! omg!! fine if u dunnoe who i toking about.XD but jocelyn and huimin and me de di ren! hahas! who noe she is who! we go eat lor. with ah ma huimin and wei nee! the food i also dunnoe wad dunnoe how to spell! hahas! i like it so much! darm nice! but hor i buy 8 but i eat only 6 and a half. hahas half give huimin and 1 give wei nee... and hor i buy the susi! is u who make dirty my BOOK ! new de! but fine.. hahas !plz jux tell me u drop or maybe is me! today i saw my last time the teacher hahas i dunnoe she got see me anot. but actually i do try to call her de lor. i never said dun wanna call her! i call but she never hear then FINE ! XD ! dun care lah! she also willl not see my blog de lah! and i scared her ma!? this morning hor i wanna go sch and i sae police at 9 floor and when i reach 1st floor i saw the police car and the jiu sha che ! dunnoe if correct anot. but when i come home hor my block downstair got ppl DIE le! is the same person anot?omg darm scary! my block first time ! i must ask my mother bring me down! dun care but she ownself come up i worry too! dunnoe lah!hahas! so many thingy happen today! dunnoe good or bad! haiz SsinyiI 当初见面的不安 彼此探索 也许有点茫然迷惑朝夕相处才发现这世界中 没有人 比你们更懂我! Monday, December 3 @ 10:01 PM
today first day training! hahas! i got the new hao bao BADMINTON shirt! darm red!! hahas! today training quite ok lor. only becoz first day! hahas! keke!=)today nid go post offlice! dunnoe the box can put anot. checque! dunnoe lah! dun care papa said later nid pay more money then DIE! i who also not scared but i scared my FATHER oh my DEAR lao pa! i hope nothing will get wrong!! plz! darm tired! and the so called fight in badminton with kelly and wei nee is NOT over HAHAS like real fighting hahas! actually we only play one round should play 3 round 2 win! but we got no time must JY mean jiayou NOT jocelynYOW. hahas! at 11.10pm my father come home and he is scolding me lor for putting the cheque into the post office de mail box. the box there write cheque payment de ma HUIMIN and JOCELYN saw it lor. he said later they wanna us to pay more money! not i wanna say him! haiz=( help him i still gonna scolding NEXT TIME not i mean no more next time. HELP HIM ALSO CANNO SAID THANK YOU! haiz! darm angry now. so angry! haiz i pay i pay! can can can?????? ------ooo------ooo------- -----o-@-o----o-@-o------ ------o-o------o-o------- ------------------------- ----------ooo----------- --------oo---oo--------- -------oo------oo------- ------ooo-----ooo------- GOgoGO hahas! --------oooo--------oooo-------- ------oo----ooo---ooo---oo------ -----oo-------oo--oo------oo---- ----oo----------oo---------oo--- -----oo----------o--------oo---- -------oo----------------oo----- ---------oo------------oo------- -----------oo---------oo-------- ------------oo-------oo---------- -------------oo-----oo---------- ---------------oo--oo----------- -----------------oo------------- BADMINTON(tired to write everythingy!) SsinyiI |
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