Saturday, July 28 @ 4:25 PM
yoyo!!!!!!!!!!!!!i find out something...i have not been posting when i am last sicK!!!hahas!!!!!!!being sick really very very bad lor..hahas!!!and now i am almost recover le ba..hahas...yesterday is road relay!!!and we won!!SECOND MAN!!!!HAHAS!!!YES!!!!SO DARM DARM DARM DARM HAPPY FOR ALL!!!BADMINTON GALS!!I LOVE U!!HAHAS!!!...bleahXD..!!!!!xiao huimin is really darm darm fast man!!hahas!!!but the only pro is that tml is so muddy!!!hahas!!!my baggy is all over with mud!!!omg...i almost faint when i see my bag with that type of situation!!!so angry!!!!hahas...that guy still stand or even stepping on my bag!!!FCUKER!!!I AM AM AM DARM ANGRY!!!ok fine...nvm anyway too happy we get second le..hahs...but huimin the big one not there...haiz!!how i hope she is there...!!!haahahas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i will post the pic of medal soon!!!!!!!!!!!promise!!! Tuesday, July 24 @ 7:49 PM
>Create your own Friend Test here Thursday, July 19 @ 8:13 PM
hiis!!!!!!!hahas!!!!!!!MC for 2 this 2 day only have audi math HW and mama...hahas!!!oh ya also slping...coz really very tired...haiz..and now better le lor..hahas!!!!!:]but still cough and cannot stand to run or do hard exersie for too long...something will cough cough until die..hahas!!!today go see doctor said must wait until my cough better then can...hahas!!!!haiz...wait...i dun wanna eat medince!!!!!!!!that black black de watery de medince...hahas.!!!!!wanna post some pic..hahas!!!!!take during the CME day!!!instead of go out we make STAR!!!ILOVEITLOR...hahas!!!!!!!! that rachel ah ma huimin and ME!!!!only upload one lor...hahas!!!!!!if my hp can upload pic i will upload pic almost everyday man!!!!!sure de...promise...hahas!!!!!!!! ![]()
ARH....come home saw bro lor..laying maple again..lor..nothing..lor...tml is chinese...finish hw le..hahas...but i heard from them that got workbook for me to do..haiz...!!!!!!!nvm...hard work will pay off..hahas!!!!!!.iwillworkhardformymama!!!!but not for ah ma..hahas!!!!!!!
SsinyiI lovexxx Thursday, July 12 @ 8:21 PM
today...12/07/07...i will alway remember this tortoise sad...i forget to change the water...for a few day..and forget to throw away the food left over...and it jux die..i dun even noe whether is a male or female...and i dun wanna it to die...i wanna it to continue to bro call me a murderer...i am sad...*crying* now...i dnnoe wht will happen juc wanna write out wht i feell...i dun wanna hear anything...anything...nothing...i jux wanna be i a muderer??i dunnoe...i really dunnoe...i dunnnoe i dunnnoe i dunnoe i dunnooe i dunnnoe i dunnnoe...i really dunnnoe...i dunnoe wht to do now..juc wanna a cry out...i can be said my first my last time pet is sch de...this one...i brought it myself i chose it myself...and i 'KILL' it myself too...wht to do??dunnoe...dun feel like toking anymore...nothing more...nothing more....ever more...SsinyiI nothing more Wednesday, July 11 @ 8:11 PM
hiis!!!today go newwater!!!but never go for the class!!!hehe!!!newwater go 3 times le!!hahas!!!hehe!!!quite nice lor...but huimin never go..and xinyi canno take too long de bus!!!haiz..but still quite fun lor...and noe more about NEWWATER!!hahas!!!>?hehe!!!today leg cramp lor!!haiz...and early in morning like have a so called 'fight' with xinyi...but ok le lor...hahas!!!canno so called 'angry' for so long!!hahas!!!>??mmm...nothing lor...and have something to tellCHONG HUIMIN: it is boring without u by my side...hahas!!!>??mushy??ok lor...but u to said??dunnoe...hahas...but recover soon!!!! SsinyiI lovexxx Monday, July 9 @ 8:29 PM
yoyo...yesterday buy a new bag...haiz...cost much..i am not a very very rich family...haiz...feel so bad for my papa lor...haiz...y??hehe...but buy le...if not i need the bag badly i will not buy lor..haiz...but long long time buy one shoould be can lor...that wht my papa said when he wanna buy this bag for me...haiz...dunnoe lah...anyway so sorry to my parent...i am quite dunnoe how to spent lor...and today me jasmine chinsun ryan nick yingzhen tze and mark(awhile only lor) go to yicong to have steamboat...nice first stilll thought not enough food but at the end still caannot eat finish hahas....funny hor???dunnoe..hehe..and later me and jasmine wanna go home first is wanna pei jasmine to go to bus stop de..but my that one come and never pei jasmine!!!!hehe... and today when sit in the bus that ttime !!!my place is facing the back de...i feel that that type of place is not like looking at the back foreva lor..haiz...hehe..people must never look back and alway look to the front...hahas...dunnoe wht i toking about??hehe..!!!!>3hehe...!? SsinyiI lovexxx!!!<3 Wednesday, July 4 @ 8:53 PM bad flu...early morning...and after i writ my blog last night mama ask me where is my test paper for math...and i tell her i never bring back....and u noe wht...she said i cheat her...i so angey lor...haiz...and she said dun let me go sch....darm angry...and so i dun eat dinner lor...then she dun care me lor..and later my papa come home and she said that he wanna keep the food into frigde le...and so he come in ask me...i am already very sleepy....and angry too...i shoct to my papa...and my papa went out very sadly...hehe...and feel very sorry lor...haix....and u noe wht happen todaay morning..she really very late then wake me up and she ask my bro to wake me up and my bro tell me that she is scared that i still angry with her so she ask my bro...hahas...then i not angry le lor..and she even went downstair help me buy my fav bread...hahas....forgive!!!hehe...:)and today nothing really happen....oh ya...the mons....hehe....she is going teach us math ofr 9 week!!!!omg...i dunnoe wht i can do lor...and is like i will be one step at one time lor...hahas... and nothing happen le lor...hehe...and wht now???nothing.... SsinyiI lovexxx Tuesday, July 3 @ 7:58 PM
continue that day the fighting..hehe...second day ok le lor..everything back to the same le family is like that de...verything will not last ore then one night...hahas...bro playing wiht my mam me and my mama joking all the way....and same same that funny papa making fun of my bro...hahas...whole hse full of laughter le...i love this time of my hse...and today during chinese gu ask us do u think the destiny is good to u anot...i think it is qutie good to me....i may noe bevery very rich but i have a family that love me...and never make me worry of lose or even about money...ii love my family and if ask me who family i wanna change with...i can tell u off...and said this: 'dun u think to chang family with me...and this is MY family...who wanna change with u..this is a famlily i grow and i love here...ok...wanna change find other lah...'i will said this...wanna change stupid...hehe....and today is our firsst training with our new coach..hehe...and she is really very very pretty!!!but is tough....but i love it..hahas...darm love it....i still scared no one able to train us....hahas...i wanna do all my i wanna the toughest...hahas...kidding but still must let me drink water can le...tough also nvm...hehe...after the training me ah ma and jocelyn tan go eat KFC lor...hahas...nice lor... mmmm....nothing le lor...!!! SsinyiI lovexxx Sunday, July 1 @ 11:39 PM at 11.39pm...mama beside me and scolding me and saying i setting a bad example...haiz...said wht i put my clothes anyhow...and now i never le ma...then she said bebe also now anyhow place the clothes...i tell her i never le...and he have became a habit le...i also from habit change de...need time u noe...wu lao jux now ask me if the towel is jux take de or take very long le...i said back her and tell her that i am toking to com..whahaha....i noe my papa think my mama is wrong too...hahas...maybe lor...hehe...i think lor...and now my mama is looking at what i am writing...let me test her...i write her l** *** ****!!!she never come out cannoe check....(and if u see her name at *** mean i canno let u noe...hahas...)hehe...haiz... and today go for the milkrun...haha...nice lor..but when wanna un that time feel like vomiting...hehe!!!hahas...and gary feel stomach ache...hehe..but after the run ok le...hehe...and we take shoctcut!!!!hehe!!! after a while my mama come out of the rm and saw me like very angry with her....hehe...i make funny faces...hahas...she come and hit me lor...bleah...funny lor...i now playing the song ting ma ma de hua...hahas...hehe... (wanna noe wht will happen to sinyi'show??continue tml...) SsinyiI lovexxx |
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