Friday, June 29 @ 4:52 PM reopen 1 week...over le...i mean all the 5 day have pass...hehe...lots of thing have happen...lots!!!on dunnoe when soemone really so scary lor...never think that this type of thing will happen and i dun wanna tok so much of this we have badminton...maybe it is a bit late to tok about this but i still feel like saying it out...hahas...ah ma my husband got 'RAPE'!!!!huimin and yesin de 'doing'....hahas...yesin 'accidently' pull down ah ma de zip and huimin behind dunnoe that it is pull down and she pull from behind..and the t-SHIRT!!!and open!!! funny...and u noe wht???juc nice we are facing the door where there stand a BOY!!!hahas...we dunnnoe whether if he got see it anot...and after that we went all shouting when we saw huimn walking close to us....hahas...darm funny lor...and nothing??we play with WATER!!!we pour each fun...i alway love to play with water...hehe... and nothing happen today lor...but today go to the class...the chinese class....history de..but i think it is quite nice lor...coz there is a qutie a good teacher lor...hehe... and we noe about lots...hehe... and we draw!!!hahas... and nothing lor...whaha...!!!! SsinyiI lovexxx Thursday, June 28 @ 6:21 PM
i find this and lots of his pic!!!love him!!! Monday, June 25 @ 12:24 AM
tml is school time!!!tml is school le..but still having holiday moods...hahas...really lor...coz maybe jux ome back from malaysia during sat so feel like jux come back from nice to be at malaysia...hahas...nice man...but i wanna said sorry!!! to yisiong... mesenge to yisiong:sorry said something bad about u...and about u acting emo...really sorry..i noe i shouldn't said that but never mind...but u also canno said me until like that lor...i am sad u noe...about being the only gal to go is very so...haiz...imagine u going out with ppl the about the same age with u but all GAL....wht u will feel??sorry... (actually i noe that he may not noe that i am writing this lor...hahas...juc feel like writing....) today go out with 6 uncle family...and having mine last fun outside...hahas...hahas...happy time but my stomach s still paining...hahas...bad english...hahas...but i noe something...i will be not going out so easily jux because a very very simple reason...i wanna do something for my family...for them...i noe i have been totally wasting my time in the past 1 year more...i will change everyting...hard working...i can said that i may not be very hardworking but i can said that i will try...try my very very best...everything that i can do...jux for family... hehe...maybe i saying this here they will never noe lor...but i juc wanna do all this for them...not wanting them to noe...hahas.... okok....last day oh holiday...haha...must go slp earlier...hehe.... happy sch-ing...hahas...i hope so... not more unhappy thing... but there something i noe is everything is jux out of control... SsinyiI lovexxx... :) Saturday, June 23 @ 9:52 PM
Thursday jux come back from malaysia..hehe..have a great fun there lor...but do get angry...first i go to my 5 aunt hse lor...and wait for my 6 uncle to fetch us to his hse to slp over a night lor...and when we get there we wanna play com de... but jux very very bu xiao xin de my uncle de com canno go to internet...hahas...then zi en said that so bad lor..we come le then canno go play some com lame like little fish lor..and little first i play lor..but later getting tired to it le...hahas...then i dun play le..later iwe all go out to eat bean ice-cream...i love it lor... love it...then zien said draw something..and u noe wht...we find out that someone darw a gal and a boy..then we said that is zi en and his gf...hahas...he said is not he draw proof..and yi siong find out that zien name is funny lor...and we started to draw funny thinf about zien and his gf...hahas...and later we continue to play little fighter...hahas...then later we all go slp lor... Friday morning to night early in the morning we all wake up..brush teeth but i find out that yh haven wake up...hahas...6 uncle go out and buy breakfast...we all eat lor...after eating we set off to my 3 uncle office...AIA....we all stay at his office while my mama and my all auntie with gor gor go to bank...we tok about WWF and ghost and P-O-R-N!!!OMG...not i tok about P my bro..haha....yi siong and yh and me jux keep on laughing....hahas...then later my 3 uncle said must go eat we all went to eat...and my bro said that he have a child and married....with JASLYN....hahas...and the child is been THROW funny lor...we lau-ght until crazy....we went to eat...nice food..hahas...and i dun wanna write le....tired le..hehe=_= hahas...wanna noe then ask me lor...hehe... SsinyiI lovexxx Monday, June 18 @ 4:34 PM
today got badminton..first badminton training for holiday...and quite nice lor...we play qutie alot of match today...hahas...and i find out wan qin is quite a good player...very very good..hahas...and we went to eat at 12 lor..but huimin and jocelyn got they go at 10 for prefect le...and we plan to meet at 12 for lunch....but when is time for lunch we went to to look for huimin and jocelyn...and u noe wht..we find out that they can only go at 12 me and yexin and wan win go eat first...we went to the futher chicken rice store to eat the white chicken...NICE nice lor...ani buy a drink call anything..and a girl walk pass and said to the papa and wan qin see le laugh until so...after eating we start going back lor...and we went back for badminton...all the same lor...i went home...and my mama call me and ask if i really go to badminton...i really canno believe and i am so sad lor...haiz...haiz...actually when i am writing this blog i am jux finish quarral with my mama...haiz...i dunnoe wht i can do...but i noe she love me..but she make me think i am not trustwortly by her...haiz...i love her...haiz... SsinyiI lovexxx Sunday, June 17 @ 3:50 PM
today is writing vey earlier...bad thing happen today...somethinge really very very bad...going to malaysia is not what i really care...i dun mind goin..really...but outing...all cannno go...y...i really hae it man!!!!arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!when i am writing this post i am listening to zhang dong liang de bei ji xin de yan lei...sad lor...i even feel more sad le...i dunnoe wht must i do???chosing to go malaysia and go out with frenx??which one must i chose???i anf frenx...and the most id i dun feel like going to what have really happen during new year...i never think that he is this type of ppl...maybe i really dunnoe...he can said me...i thought being in the family he will not care if what i unmature am think i am living a happy is happy to havejux me my bo and my papa and my mama...not with my grandparent side...both side...i am sad...:(i dunnoe why or why am i thinking like this??i dun wanna it too...u noe..thw fwwling og thinking u urself living a happy a family that eveyone think is gd but jux not i am thinking...i really dunnoe wht to do??wht can i really do??sad ppl like me... i am sad i am sad... beijixindeyanlei... i must not show my sadness today...becoz today is father day..happy...hehe... :)(: (writen before 5pm) AFTER 5PM... my father come back le...actually i dunnoe that he come back de...i am playing game in the room with the com..and he suddenly come in...i was shock lor....hehe...and he scold me shut down the com lor...and i see my bro slping i also go to slp lor...suddenly i remember that we are going to celebrate father day with my father i ask my bro to wake up lor...hehe...hahas:)and later we go eat first after eating we go take out the cake...and BLOW the candles go off...yeah!!!HAPPY FATHER happy and also the same...i still eat the most part of the my mama said that no more to papa forget to we decide to go out to eat...we went to the hawkew centen(dunnoe spell correwctly anot...) to eat lor...and u noe wht happen??i tell u hor...darm funny lor...when we are siting down looking wht we are going to eat that time..a child(india small looking like 4 or 5 years old)run towad my bro and point to his head and said something...s we arre not india and never learn we dunnoe wht he is saying...hahas...i am wondering where is the parent of the bro was running around...and my papa ask my bro to sit down..and so my bro do wht my papa said lor...hehe...the child did not stop still stand on the chair in between my papa and my papa said that dunnoe who child is that...haiz...and finally the mother come and take the child away...and after and my bro went to order food..and when we are ording food...the man siting behind my bro seat...fall backward...and hit my bro broo said that he is so luckly that he went to order food with me..and i am so one auntie went up and help...that auntie is so good..hehe...and next we went lots of thing..and went home lor..and now i am writing blog lor..hahas... SsinyiI lovexxx @ 1:13 AM
i find this video while i finding other video...nice hor.. Saturday, June 16 @ 11:32 PM
yo yo yo...tml is father day le... wish all father happy!!! find some instructor de profile in friendster hehe...add them le...and now still got wht happen...all have a bad stomach arch pain lor...hehe.. still got wht??i also dunnoe haha.. nothing to said le... all see tml le...hehe... Friday, June 15 @ 2:26 PM
love it Thursday, June 14 @ 8:47 PM
die die die....haven do the chinese hw...dunnoe wht to do lor...hehe...but i dunnoe lah...very oring thr whole day little ppl online...haiz...also dunnoe can do wht...and my tag boxx disappear!!!haiz...nothing do lor...haiz..and very very boring...nothing to said le...coz nothing to do... ok bb SsinyiI lovexx Tuesday, June 12 @ 7:51 PM
![]() hellos... today got a new com... and i wanna said is about the camp de... it is a gd camp to is fun... i love camp...i will keep it in my heart foreva...hahas.... loves!!! Tuesday, June 5 @ 3:01 PM
hiis...very boring spolit but....i will going to get 2 bro 1 i papa said go and fix the old one and he going to get a new one too(new de is free de...)hahas...but still very very happy llor..hahas...tat mean that i will get to meet with my bro or maybe kill my bro in the game..hahs..i noeu think very lame lor..but i think it is bice i am going to have 1 com all by bro is very very happy too...that wht we all think:) tml is camp...i have been toking all about it for the whole month lor...and now finally it is coming..but it feel so sad coming it also mean that camp is also leaving...haiz...wht can be nicer than be living with frenx??? i jux love it haiz... nothing happen lor...and jux life get boring when i stay at home not doring anything but study and study...haiz... nothing le lor SsinyiI |
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