Tuesday, March 27 @ 9:06 PM
HIHI!!!nth to do...i mean gt homework!!!hehe...arh...gt math gt chin gt science...4 me only...hehe...i mean science only....hehe... today 3 period of eng...so boring..and it is after HAC...which make me hurgry!!!...luckly gt ask emily help me buy food...hehe...bleah...:] and today nth to do..boring...hehe...and bb... hehe.. SsinyiI boring gall... Monday, March 26 @ 8:55 PM
today i watch the wo ai ni again....i cry again...it is so nice men...and the girl pass the boy 1 box.....she tell her that when he miss her he can open the box...and her tell her that next time she come back if she canno find her she can go back to sch to look 4 him and after about 40 years or wht...the girl find the boy..but the girl have already married and have 3 son!!!but the boy is stil waiting 4 her...and have not gf or wife...jux wait there in sch not going anywhere...waiting there with himeself not going anywhere...is that so....he is all alone...when they meet each other...they stare into each other eyes...they walk down the place where they go when they are young...they walk to a place which they promise each other to be with each other untiol the next next next life!!!and ltr they go bsck to their sch..or maybe the place the guy stay...and then they have some tea...the girl ask y he did not marry even he noe that they maybe not able to be together....u noe wht the boy said???i have promise u to be with u 4 the next next next life....i will not leave u...omg...that so...i cry the most...maybe the second...the most is this part....and u still remember the box???the girl give de lor...when the boy saw the girl holding on it...he said...actually u never leave me...and when ever i am feeling bad i will look at the box and i will nt longer feel sad...i never dare to open the box...coz i scared that u will leave me when u leave me...that part is so sad...i cry until like canno stop or like siao...sad sad sad....then the girl went back the second day...she went back and tell her husband to let her go back to the guy there...and the husband agree and even buy a hse 4 them....omg...the husband is so gd...and i think they sure noe wht love is....haiz...today...today do nth...lame lor...haiz...veri veri veri boring de lor..sad...hehe.... SsinyiI wo ai ni... NICE SONG... hehe... XD"-" Sunday, March 25 @ 5:30 PM
this is the song that i will listen until cry de lor... @ 5:00 PM
When i last write blog can be like dunnoe how long lah...but today i watch the ren chi de show is so...i watch until i cry out lor...so sad...many ppl is very poor thing or maybe they are jux abit more poor than many ppl...we can go to sch....and the most touching is the last 1...the wife is so gd to the husband...she never leave him even he is now in that...and the ppl who noe wht love is them...they are so gd...in the way they love each other...andthe wife said they only hope that the husband can even talk to them..the so little wish they have canno even have come ture...is that really so....y canno the heaven jux lte they have that wish come ture??a little ture is jux wht they wanna...a little wish...a little wish...wht is love??seeing them like that make me think of the song of she de wo ai ni...that song is almost the same...everytime i hear this song i will cry...is like so...love love love love love love love....the wife is so...the husband is a gd husband...she said that the husband scared that she will fall down evry morning wake up and help her do eveything...and now he canno longer do wht he wish to do...clearning the hse...i think he will rather have lots of hse work to do than lying on the bed...and the wife jux hope that in her husband mind there is a her...only hope that a toking a her in his mind...is that simple...and y??y not let it come ture???y?y?y? love? today nthing happen...still n ot sure if my uncle is going to come to our hse anot...but i hope he will...haiz...the story is so sad... SsinyiI a gal wondering wht love??? Friday, March 23 @ 5:53 PM
NO TAGBOXXXX!!!!haiz...so sad...not tagbox....i am so sad....haiz...wht can i do!!!haiz....sad....omg...i can faint lor....but never mind...i dun care if there are tagbox anot...but anywhere have also gd lor... Tricia thanz....thanx 4 giving me PIG....thanx....hehe...i love the pig....(^(oo^) anyway....now i am so boring....no more testi 4 me to accept....but i dunnoe to send who too....and i dunnoe wht really happen today...hehe...i am so sad...jux kidding.... Boring!!!who can save me!!!!! SsinyiI a gal that is again boring...hahas... finding new blogskin!!!!! Monday, March 19 @ 7:11 PM
IMPORTANT...arh..my tagbox...wht happen to it....hehe...but i do le...but it jux go wrong...anyway i no time to do it...hehe...so sorry....if u are planning to leave a messege 4 me...i am really sorryok now....dun said anything le...today go to mediacrop...with tricia to support xiner hehe...but she never in...this year our sch is boy in lor...not girl lor...but there is more girl go lor...i think girl 3000 and boy is 1000....hehe...but alway i dun care...hehe...and i love to not be see...hehe... anyway jiayou to all my frenx that get in to next round.. Saturday, March 17 @ 8:12 PM
hi...hehe... today is campus 4 girl... jiayou to all my frenx... i will support all of u... even if i dunnoe who i must support but i believe u all are my superstar... hehe... must no give up even if u did not get into final never give up on music even it give up on u... hehe... tell u the truth... when i am writing this post my bro is hiting me...haiz... very pain lor... sad... SsinyiI jiayou... never give up... go go go Wednesday, March 14 @ 9:20 PM
hihi...today... hehe... nth to do today ... nice lor... abit nice abit not nice... i play com... and do nth... boring lor... haiz.. tml go out... nth to said le... SsinyiI boring... bb... loves... xiao zhu luo zhi xiang... feilunhai... Monday, March 12 @ 11:25 PM
hi...so funny today...i went to pulua ubin...it is a very very fun day...we all wake up very early in the morning...and go to there...but i went to j8 at 7...to go and eat breakfast...with tricia...and she is the 1 to said 7 reach j8 but she is LATE...and make me wait 4 20 minutes...haiz...she need so long to reach lor...and we went to eat lor...and we did not eat finish...and on the way to sch we eat the sandwhiches that tricia mama make...and we then noe that we are late...hehe...and we faster run and walk to sch...and u noe wht...when we reach there...mr phua is not at there waiting...or asking ppl to line up...and we are too early which is already 8am...and th teacher ask us to reach there by 8 lor...and make us run like hell...next we sit at the bus to changi village...and on the way there is a guy wanna to go to the toliet..but haven reach...so he have to wait...hahas...that is really so funny lor...and his frenx ask us if there is any rubber band...hahas...rubber band i dun have but i do have plastic bag...hehe...and we finally arrival at the changi village...and he run to the toliet...hehe...and next we sit the boat...and the boat is so funny lor...the boat swing 4r side to side...hehe...so funny...and it is so excited....and the sight is very nice...i do take pic...hehe...and we again finally reach...and next we have our bike...the bike is really so gd until i dun mind have it in my hse....i wanna a bike which i used to have at home...and my bike have been sell away...i wanna buy another 1....and that 1 must be jux nice...r i will not wanna...cost the height must be jux the right 1...hehe..and when cycling the slope is very nice lor...the wind blow and the speed is the 1 that is the best...u understand...nvm if u dun understand...hehe...after cycle 4 dunnoe how long we end...i thin k we cycle about 2 to 3 hour ba...hehe...and really very fun and we are going round and round...coz mr phua wanna ask to cycle farest...hehe...and we go to changi village to have our lunch...and next we went back to sch...on the way to sch alot of us are slping in the bus coz every1 is to tired and we all wake up early....hehe.... i can said that day is really very nice....i will go again next year if there is some more thign or outing about this cycling...hehe.... SsinyiI nice day... i love cycle... xizo zhu luo zhi xiang roxxx... bb.... Saturday, March 10 @ 12:02 PM
u noe y i need to go and write in bold and red...bold bcoz i am angry and red also bcoz i am angry...and also a bit sad....haiz...yesterday i get my report bk...when i reach home i totally forgt about me showing my parent about the report bk...i really forgt and my papa ask me yesterday and i am listening to music and watching youtube,,,,if i am watching or listening to music and youtube i will wear earpieace....and on the sound very loud...so i really did not hear wht my papa said about and ask about my report bk...i really did not noe....how can i tell him...and how will i answer him....my mama jux scold me like that...and when she ask me about my result i tell her...and i am quite happy about i passing my math...but when my mama hear about me saying my english fail but my math pass...she is not happy at all...she said how can i fail english and only pass math...i am really so sad...haiz...wht can i do...i explain to her...and u noe wht she said...she said that i am wrong 4 not studing english with my textbook...how can i study...textbk is with the teacher...so how am i or how can i study...i wanna get gd marks too...but i need times...during last year my math fail and english fail...this time round i pass...i try very hard le...how can she scold me and said i should pass two not only 1...i really not so clever as she think or maybe i am not so clever that i can pass jux i said i wanna pass....i need time to improve...first i improve by passing math...and i did it...and next is english...and so that is next term...i will do it,,,as i said..i will study hard...i will...and i must...but y she canno understand...i try le...and she jux canno understand....and now she scold me 4 history...she noe i do not like history....i really do not like..but now i began to like or maybe i grow interest in it...if not i will not go 4 the history after the class which i can not go...but i go...not becoz ah a or uimin goand i need someone to pei me...coz i wanna do something to improve my history so i go...but this time i fail my history and i noe i did not put in my best in it...and i will next time...and now i will start to do my best...but she never listen to me,,,and jux said that i am bad...i am not putting in my best and said i am not planning to put in any of my effort...which i plan to...she canno understand...she jux canno understand....haiz... now i jux do whti think is right...i dun care she dun understand but i will do and let her noe...i will do my best even she think i never...i will do and let her see....SsinyiI i am sad... she jux dun understand me... i will do my best... Friday, March 9 @ 5:24 PM
9.3.07 fridayhow long have i last write my blog...mmm....last time i write is 3.03.07...6 day lor...haiz...noe y i not time anot....coz i am busy with all the math hw lor....math teacher really hor...but i can said nth lor...she wanna give so many also not i can said de...wht i can do is only complain but at the end also must do the lor...so y complain...jux dun have to complain and shut my mouth up and do lor...no choice....unless she dun wanna give if not must do lor...haiz....dun wanna said abput this le lah... and wht happen today is i having a bad stomach cramp...dun noe how to spell lah...hehe...and this time without mr faiz is not nice le lor...and now finally jocelyn yow zi hui pass me my sketch book...i thought that i lose my book lor...and make me miss lots of thing...haiz...but ver mind...at least before mr faiz come back..i still can do everything before he come back..luckly...and jocelyn my bk at ur locker u dunnoe ma\...make me worry so lontg and give me back only now... oh ya....i borrow 4r xinyi de comic....hehe...it is so nice...but i will borrow 4r her naruto....but the next time lor...maybe...hehe...i will have or maybe i hope i can give her back by next mon...so that if she need to lent it to some1 she can lent to the person.. and now i watching the show...it is so funny....haiz....dun wanna said...u go watch...hahas....so funny...they really kiss... SsinyiI hahas... nice show... xiao zhu roxxx.... Saturday, March 3 @ 6:35 PM
hi...yesterday write today also gt write...so like that canno said long long time never write le... hehe... today 8 somthing wake up le... so early wake up...haiz... actually going out de lor..but at the end never go... haiz... hehe... today if gt go out i think we will go out and play until siao... hehe... whahaha... now very boring lor... but now i can more or last use teh com everyday... as long as i tell my bro about it when it is his turn... hehe... i jux love my bro... haiz... SsinyiI a gal love her bro... hehe... Show luo zhi xiang xizo zhu... feilunhai... hehe... but roxxx my world... hehe... gd bb... loves... Friday, March 2 @ 9:01 PM
mmm...how long le...i also dunnoe how long have i write blog le...haz....today nth happen lor...not nice de...nth happen.... hehe... hais... and so... i love u... SsinyiI boring... Thursday, March 1 @ 11:15 AM
hi...long long time never write le...hehe...haiz...something happen today...it is so funny lor...the bus hor...really make me very angry angry lor...the bus driver drive to the wrong place...haiz...and my frenx go ask the driver...and u noe wht...he said that he is the first time driving...omg...i faint when i hear this...first time...omg..i can faint...hehe...actually also quite fun...coz he wanna to turn back..and u noe wht...he drive into the flat there hor...and he bang down the pillar...the pillar is together with a mirror...and it is so funny...hehe....whahaha....theb pillar hehe...so funny...hehe...and at the end we only can walk to the sch lor...and i can see the driver is very shock that he go the wrong way...and the passenger can remember the way but no him....the driver should noe where he should go lor...not the assenger lor...and sometime is the passenger need to ask him where to go or where the bus go to...and how is he going to answer...haiyo...he jux must noe the way the best...haiz...hehe...hehe....bleah...and i dun wanna to toks about this le coz i jux canno believe it... haiz... and nothing le lor...i write the blog too early today le... SsinyiI a gal that canno write blog 4 quite a few day... hehe... bleah... loves~~ |
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